The sun was sinking beneath the sandhills of Burgard on the evening of a fine day. Scorching daggers etched through the fading sky, and cut their way across the horizen, settling within the cotton wisp of clouds. Slowly, they melted together, like painted swirls on a sheer blue canvas. Then as the seconds passed by and the desert sands waited for nightfall, a myriad of birds and nameless creatures, flew up against the withered trees to catch the last rays of sunset.
Please help me with this sentence?
The sun was sinking beneath the sand hills, the sun will never sink under the sand-hills., what is your question, what help you need.
tax credit
Monday, April 13, 2009
Now that fox folk have got the nomination secured for the crooks they are willing to talk about how right Ron?
Time to Listen to Ron Paul?
By Elizabeth MacDonald
Time to listen to Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the lone voice of reason in Congress today who’s got to feel like he’s shouting into a field of cotton with his repeated warnings about the dangers of a collapsing dollar, while the administration goes AWOL on the problem.
The dollar just hit a record intraday low against the euro on reports that consumer confidence levels have dropped to levels not seen since the post-Watergate era. It is down 7% year to date against the Chinese renminbi, it’s weaker than the Japanese yen and the Canadian loonie.
The joke is the greenback is now only stronger than the Mexican pesos and the Zimbabwe dollar, an overstatement for dramatic effect, to be sure.But since hitting a peak in 2002, the dollar has lost about a quarter of its value against a trade weighted basket of currencies.
A weak dollar acts as an anvil around the neck of the US economy and consumers. Rising inflation is essentially a tax on consumers, so are rising energy prices, and that double whammy threatens to undermine the purchasing power of the rebate checks due out in May–backed by printing even more dollars.
A bellwether event of significant import to our nation’s finances happened this past January 1 with little notice. That’s the day the first baby boomer was allowed to retire. A new federal report wearily warns once again for the umpteenth time that the nation faces some $60t in Social Security and Medicare unfunded liabilities alone.
We’ve heard time and again conservatives say deficits don’t matter. To say that deficits don’t matter is like saying ketchup is a vegetable or trees cause pollution.
The $406b we pay annually in interest on the $9t in federal debt alone would rank as the world’s 30th biggest economy.
That annual interest cost surpasses the gross domestic product of Belgium, and is bigger than the GDP of Denmark and Hungary combined. The $406b would cover the annual cost of investigating Medicare fraud.
Stack all those one dollar bills making up our $9t deficit (and that doesn’t include the $60t in unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security) and you would reach the moon and back. “Printing money cannot create wealth, if it could counterfeiting would be legal,” economist Brian Wesbury has said.
Even Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and a forceful advocate for laissez-faire economics, got so sick of the way central bankers were willy nilly printing money in the ‘70s, he advocated that the government should replace the Federal Reserve with a computer. “Money is too important to be left to central bankers,” he quipped.
Broad zoom: The US economy has spent all of a year and four months in a downturn over the last two and a half decades. During that time we’ve seen a market crash of 22% in 1987, the S%26amp;L crisis, four wars, three financial crises (Mexico, Asian flu and Russian debt crises), the blow up of the hedge fund Long Term Capital, two asset bubbles (dot com and telecom). Since the Bush tax cuts of 2003, the US economy added the equivalent of China’s GDP–and government spending has boomed.
Now Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has both cut rates at a breakneck speed and pumped a massive amount of monetary stimulus into the markets to cure the credit crisis. I still think he is doing his level best to fix a crisis not entirely of his own making. The question now is, will Bernanke yank the liquidity punch bowl when the economy returns to trend growth in 2010 or 2011 as the central bank projects?
Let’s hope so, because the case for a weak dollar is, to me, well, weak. Namely, that a lame greenback softens the housing and credit crises as it fuels profits at US exporters whose goods are now dirt cheap in the eyes of foreign customers. Strong foreign sales at places like Boeing and Caterpillar reportedly added 1.4% to US growth in the second quarter of 2007. But exports make up just 13% of GDP. Consumers make up a larger 70%.
It’s no surprise consumer confidence is as weak as it was in the ’70s. LBJ had promised this country it could have both guns and butter in the ‘60s, so the Federal Reserve gunned the printing presses to pay for spending on entitlement programs and for the Vietnam war. For the first time, too, politicians got their mitts on taxpayers’ Social Security funds, after Democrats passed a so-called “unified budget” in the late ‘60s.
All that spending caused the dollar to nosedive in the 1970s amidst an oil embargo that sent oil costs, priced in dollars, soaring. Paul Volcker, then Fed chairman, enacted rapid rate hikes hitting 21% by 1979, and the Treasury went so far as to sell $6.4b in “Carter bonds,” largely denominated in Deutschemarks, to prop up the dollar. Gold got ripped off its mooring of an average $35 an ounce in the ‘70s, and in 1980 it hit a record $835 an ounce, around $2,250 in today’s prices.
Gold acts as a dew line for inflation. We essentially have a good handle on how much gold there is in the world and potentially below ground. When gold rises in price, it signals we are printing too many dollars, which indicates a concurrent drop in the greenback’s value. Over the last seven years, gold and oil prices have risen in lockstep, up 239% and 267% respectively. If the dollar had also risen in value at the same rate, oil would be selling at about $30 a barrel.
But now central bankers say that because of the weak dollar, they’ve seen capital losses carved out of an estimated $3.34t worth of US dollars they hold in foreign currency reserves; Japan holds the most dollars, China is second. The fear is they may unload these plunging greenbacks en masse to cut their losses and run–which would really tip the US into a protracted recession. Already reports out of China show government officials there willing to rotate future planned investments out of US treasurys into other investments.
Countries pegged to the dollar are rightly saying, too, that we are exporting inflation to their shores. Saudi Arabia is a land that has had nearly zero inflation since 1998, but recently inflation soared to 7% annually, despite the fact the country is flush with petrodollars.
Congressman Paul rightfully warns us when he says the US government has “systematically undermined” the US dollar by expanding “the money supply at will for financing war or manipulating the economy with little resistance from Congress–while benefiting the special interests that influence government.”
It’s not just the US gunning the mints. Goldman Sachs figures that three-fifths of the world’s broad money supply growth came from emerging economies over the past year or so. Three-fifths. That’s gigantic.
Goldman Sachs says the growth in Russia’s M3 measure of broad money grew 51% over the last year or so, India by 24%, and by 20% in China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Brazil. That’s three times as fast as the US and the rest of the developed world, and it’s faster than their GDP growth rates. It’s the fastest pace in decades.
All that loose money is pouring into commodities, stock exchanges around the planet as well as bond markets–it’s largely why our long-term bond yields have been historically low, spurring a dramatic increase in mortgage borrowing, as mortgage rates typically track the 10-year Treasury note.
Watch out here–emerging economies are just as susceptible to minting lots of money due to political pressures, including things like paying for wars, or calming local populations clamoring for higher pay and more jobs.
What can be done stateside?
The administration needs to state more emphatically that it supports a strong dollar. A stronger dollar would draw liquidity back into the credit markets, lower inflation risks, cut oil prices and restart economic growth, notes Bear Stearns economist David Malpass.
Presidential candidates vilify NAFTA and free trade, when the weak dollar is partly to blame for problems like jobs lost to overseas operations, Malpass adds.
“Empires fail because they run out of money, or more accurately, run out of the ability to spend or inflate,” Congressman Paul warns. “We need to control spending, immediately, before it is too late.”
Now that fox folk have got the nomination secured for the crooks they are willing to talk about how right Ron?
The %26quot;Revolution%26quot; is dead. Get over it.
Reply:not a snowball%26#039;s chance in h***
Reply:The nomination isn%26#039;t secured yet. McCain doesn%26#039;t have enough BOUND delegates to take the nomination on the first ballot, and particularly if he can%26#039;t get out from the FEC spending caps MANY may consider Ron Paul a better choice by convention.
Reply:He is completely correct and we are stupid for letting the media shut him out of this race. Shame on this country and the corrupt that are destroying us from the inside; the federal government that is spending our way in to debt with all these socialized programs.
Reply:You are still talking about Ron Paul. It really is time to get over it dude. Ron Paul was even more naive than the democrats on foreign policy. I agree with him on alot of domestic issues but could not vote for him because I believe his foreign policy would lead this country to ruin. Alot of other people felt the same way so it is not just because of the media that Ron Paul did not get more votes.
Reply:This Message was inspired and approved by King DEAN.
Reply:I am shocked at how the election is turning. I guess the media really does influence voters that much.
Reply:God answers ad agree with david, too bad cnn is not even mentioning it. Take care. No one knows what the cards have in store for them. Gore/Blitzer?
Time to Listen to Ron Paul?
By Elizabeth MacDonald
Time to listen to Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the lone voice of reason in Congress today who’s got to feel like he’s shouting into a field of cotton with his repeated warnings about the dangers of a collapsing dollar, while the administration goes AWOL on the problem.
The dollar just hit a record intraday low against the euro on reports that consumer confidence levels have dropped to levels not seen since the post-Watergate era. It is down 7% year to date against the Chinese renminbi, it’s weaker than the Japanese yen and the Canadian loonie.
The joke is the greenback is now only stronger than the Mexican pesos and the Zimbabwe dollar, an overstatement for dramatic effect, to be sure.But since hitting a peak in 2002, the dollar has lost about a quarter of its value against a trade weighted basket of currencies.
A weak dollar acts as an anvil around the neck of the US economy and consumers. Rising inflation is essentially a tax on consumers, so are rising energy prices, and that double whammy threatens to undermine the purchasing power of the rebate checks due out in May–backed by printing even more dollars.
A bellwether event of significant import to our nation’s finances happened this past January 1 with little notice. That’s the day the first baby boomer was allowed to retire. A new federal report wearily warns once again for the umpteenth time that the nation faces some $60t in Social Security and Medicare unfunded liabilities alone.
We’ve heard time and again conservatives say deficits don’t matter. To say that deficits don’t matter is like saying ketchup is a vegetable or trees cause pollution.
The $406b we pay annually in interest on the $9t in federal debt alone would rank as the world’s 30th biggest economy.
That annual interest cost surpasses the gross domestic product of Belgium, and is bigger than the GDP of Denmark and Hungary combined. The $406b would cover the annual cost of investigating Medicare fraud.
Stack all those one dollar bills making up our $9t deficit (and that doesn’t include the $60t in unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security) and you would reach the moon and back. “Printing money cannot create wealth, if it could counterfeiting would be legal,” economist Brian Wesbury has said.
Even Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and a forceful advocate for laissez-faire economics, got so sick of the way central bankers were willy nilly printing money in the ‘70s, he advocated that the government should replace the Federal Reserve with a computer. “Money is too important to be left to central bankers,” he quipped.
Broad zoom: The US economy has spent all of a year and four months in a downturn over the last two and a half decades. During that time we’ve seen a market crash of 22% in 1987, the S%26amp;L crisis, four wars, three financial crises (Mexico, Asian flu and Russian debt crises), the blow up of the hedge fund Long Term Capital, two asset bubbles (dot com and telecom). Since the Bush tax cuts of 2003, the US economy added the equivalent of China’s GDP–and government spending has boomed.
Now Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has both cut rates at a breakneck speed and pumped a massive amount of monetary stimulus into the markets to cure the credit crisis. I still think he is doing his level best to fix a crisis not entirely of his own making. The question now is, will Bernanke yank the liquidity punch bowl when the economy returns to trend growth in 2010 or 2011 as the central bank projects?
Let’s hope so, because the case for a weak dollar is, to me, well, weak. Namely, that a lame greenback softens the housing and credit crises as it fuels profits at US exporters whose goods are now dirt cheap in the eyes of foreign customers. Strong foreign sales at places like Boeing and Caterpillar reportedly added 1.4% to US growth in the second quarter of 2007. But exports make up just 13% of GDP. Consumers make up a larger 70%.
It’s no surprise consumer confidence is as weak as it was in the ’70s. LBJ had promised this country it could have both guns and butter in the ‘60s, so the Federal Reserve gunned the printing presses to pay for spending on entitlement programs and for the Vietnam war. For the first time, too, politicians got their mitts on taxpayers’ Social Security funds, after Democrats passed a so-called “unified budget” in the late ‘60s.
All that spending caused the dollar to nosedive in the 1970s amidst an oil embargo that sent oil costs, priced in dollars, soaring. Paul Volcker, then Fed chairman, enacted rapid rate hikes hitting 21% by 1979, and the Treasury went so far as to sell $6.4b in “Carter bonds,” largely denominated in Deutschemarks, to prop up the dollar. Gold got ripped off its mooring of an average $35 an ounce in the ‘70s, and in 1980 it hit a record $835 an ounce, around $2,250 in today’s prices.
Gold acts as a dew line for inflation. We essentially have a good handle on how much gold there is in the world and potentially below ground. When gold rises in price, it signals we are printing too many dollars, which indicates a concurrent drop in the greenback’s value. Over the last seven years, gold and oil prices have risen in lockstep, up 239% and 267% respectively. If the dollar had also risen in value at the same rate, oil would be selling at about $30 a barrel.
But now central bankers say that because of the weak dollar, they’ve seen capital losses carved out of an estimated $3.34t worth of US dollars they hold in foreign currency reserves; Japan holds the most dollars, China is second. The fear is they may unload these plunging greenbacks en masse to cut their losses and run–which would really tip the US into a protracted recession. Already reports out of China show government officials there willing to rotate future planned investments out of US treasurys into other investments.
Countries pegged to the dollar are rightly saying, too, that we are exporting inflation to their shores. Saudi Arabia is a land that has had nearly zero inflation since 1998, but recently inflation soared to 7% annually, despite the fact the country is flush with petrodollars.
Congressman Paul rightfully warns us when he says the US government has “systematically undermined” the US dollar by expanding “the money supply at will for financing war or manipulating the economy with little resistance from Congress–while benefiting the special interests that influence government.”
It’s not just the US gunning the mints. Goldman Sachs figures that three-fifths of the world’s broad money supply growth came from emerging economies over the past year or so. Three-fifths. That’s gigantic.
Goldman Sachs says the growth in Russia’s M3 measure of broad money grew 51% over the last year or so, India by 24%, and by 20% in China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Brazil. That’s three times as fast as the US and the rest of the developed world, and it’s faster than their GDP growth rates. It’s the fastest pace in decades.
All that loose money is pouring into commodities, stock exchanges around the planet as well as bond markets–it’s largely why our long-term bond yields have been historically low, spurring a dramatic increase in mortgage borrowing, as mortgage rates typically track the 10-year Treasury note.
Watch out here–emerging economies are just as susceptible to minting lots of money due to political pressures, including things like paying for wars, or calming local populations clamoring for higher pay and more jobs.
What can be done stateside?
The administration needs to state more emphatically that it supports a strong dollar. A stronger dollar would draw liquidity back into the credit markets, lower inflation risks, cut oil prices and restart economic growth, notes Bear Stearns economist David Malpass.
Presidential candidates vilify NAFTA and free trade, when the weak dollar is partly to blame for problems like jobs lost to overseas operations, Malpass adds.
“Empires fail because they run out of money, or more accurately, run out of the ability to spend or inflate,” Congressman Paul warns. “We need to control spending, immediately, before it is too late.”
Now that fox folk have got the nomination secured for the crooks they are willing to talk about how right Ron?
The %26quot;Revolution%26quot; is dead. Get over it.
Reply:not a snowball%26#039;s chance in h***
Reply:The nomination isn%26#039;t secured yet. McCain doesn%26#039;t have enough BOUND delegates to take the nomination on the first ballot, and particularly if he can%26#039;t get out from the FEC spending caps MANY may consider Ron Paul a better choice by convention.
Reply:He is completely correct and we are stupid for letting the media shut him out of this race. Shame on this country and the corrupt that are destroying us from the inside; the federal government that is spending our way in to debt with all these socialized programs.
Reply:You are still talking about Ron Paul. It really is time to get over it dude. Ron Paul was even more naive than the democrats on foreign policy. I agree with him on alot of domestic issues but could not vote for him because I believe his foreign policy would lead this country to ruin. Alot of other people felt the same way so it is not just because of the media that Ron Paul did not get more votes.
Reply:This Message was inspired and approved by King DEAN.
Reply:I am shocked at how the election is turning. I guess the media really does influence voters that much.
Reply:God answers ad agree with david, too bad cnn is not even mentioning it. Take care. No one knows what the cards have in store for them. Gore/Blitzer?
Now that the real problems facing america can't be so easily hiden,?
should ron paul run as a independent.
even fox is talking about how right he is
Time to Listen to Ron Paul?
By Elizabeth MacDonald
Time to listen to Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the lone voice of reason in Congress today who’s got to feel like he’s shouting into a field of cotton with his repeated warnings about the dangers of a collapsing dollar, while the administration goes AWOL on the problem.
The dollar just hit a record intraday low against the euro on reports that consumer confidence levels have dropped to levels not seen since the post-Watergate era. It is down 7% year to date against the Chinese renminbi, it’s weaker than the Japanese yen and the Canadian loonie.
The joke is the greenback is now only stronger than the Mexican pesos and the Zimbabwe dollar, an overstatement for dramatic effect, to be sure.But since hitting a peak in 2002, the dollar has lost about a quarter of its value against a trade weighted basket of currencies.
A weak dollar acts as an anvil around the neck of the US economy and consumers. Rising inflation is essentially a tax on consumers, so are rising energy prices, and that double whammy threatens to undermine the purchasing power of the rebate checks due out in May–backed by printing even more dollars.
A bellwether event of significant import to our nation’s finances happened this past January 1 with little notice. That’s the day the first baby boomer was allowed to retire. A new federal report wearily warns once again for the umpteenth time that the nation faces some $60t in Social Security and Medicare unfunded liabilities alone.
We’ve heard time and again conservatives say deficits don’t matter. To say that deficits don’t matter is like saying ketchup is a vegetable or trees cause pollution.
The $406b we pay annually in interest on the $9t in federal debt alone would rank as the world’s 30th biggest economy.
That annual interest cost surpasses the gross domestic product of Belgium, and is bigger than the GDP of Denmark and Hungary combined. The $406b would cover the annual cost of investigating Medicare fraud.
Stack all those one dollar bills making up our $9t deficit (and that doesn’t include the $60t in unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security) and you would reach the moon and back. “Printing money cannot create wealth, if it could counterfeiting would be legal,” economist Brian Wesbury has said.
Even Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and a forceful advocate for laissez-faire economics, got so sick of the way central bankers were willy nilly printing money in the ‘70s, he advocated that the government should replace the Federal Reserve with a computer. “Money is too important to be left to central bankers,” he quipped.
Broad zoom: The US economy has spent all of a year and four months in a downturn over the last two and a half decades. During that time we’ve seen a market crash of 22% in 1987, the S%26amp;L crisis, four wars, three financial crises (Mexico, Asian flu and Russian debt crises), the blow up of the hedge fund Long Term Capital, two asset bubbles (dot com and telecom). Since the Bush tax cuts of 2003, the US economy added the equivalent of China’s GDP–and government spending has boomed.
Now Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has both cut rates at a breakneck speed and pumped a massive amount of monetary stimulus into the markets to cure the credit crisis. I still think he is doing his level best to fix a crisis not entirely of his own making. The question now is, will Bernanke yank the liquidity punch bowl when the economy returns to trend growth in 2010 or 2011 as the central bank projects?
Let’s hope so, because the case for a weak dollar is, to me, well, weak. Namely, that a lame greenback softens the housing and credit crises as it fuels profits at US exporters whose goods are now dirt cheap in the eyes of foreign customers. Strong foreign sales at places like Boeing and Caterpillar reportedly added 1.4% to US growth in the second quarter of 2007. But exports make up just 13% of GDP. Consumers make up a larger 70%.
It’s no surprise consumer confidence is as weak as it was in the ’70s. LBJ had promised this country it could have both guns and butter in the ‘60s, so the Federal Reserve gunned the printing presses to pay for spending on entitlement programs and for the Vietnam war. For the first time, too, politicians got their mitts on taxpayers’ Social Security funds, after Democrats passed a so-called “unified budget” in the late ‘60s.
All that spending caused the dollar to nosedive in the 1970s amidst an oil embargo that sent oil costs, priced in dollars, soaring. Paul Volcker, then Fed chairman, enacted rapid rate hikes hitting 21% by 1979, and the Treasury went so far as to sell $6.4b in “Carter bonds,” largely denominated in Deutschemarks, to prop up the dollar. Gold got ripped off its mooring of an average $35 an ounce in the ‘70s, and in 1980 it hit a record $835 an ounce, around $2,250 in today’s prices.
Gold acts as a dew line for inflation. We essentially have a good handle on how much gold there is in the world and potentially below ground. When gold rises in price, it signals we are printing too many dollars, which indicates a concurrent drop in the greenback’s value. Over the last seven years, gold and oil prices have risen in lockstep, up 239% and 267% respectively. If the dollar had also risen in value at the same rate, oil would be selling at about $30 a barrel.
But now central bankers say that because of the weak dollar, they’ve seen capital losses carved out of an estimated $3.34t worth of US dollars they hold in foreign currency reserves; Japan holds the most dollars, China is second. The fear is they may unload these plunging greenbacks en masse to cut their losses and run–which would really tip the US into a protracted recession. Already reports out of China show government officials there willing to rotate future planned investments out of US treasurys into other investments.
Countries pegged to the dollar are rightly saying, too, that we are exporting inflation to their shores. Saudi Arabia is a land that has had nearly zero inflation since 1998, but recently inflation soared to 7% annually, despite the fact the country is flush with petrodollars.
Congressman Paul rightfully warns us when he says the US government has “systematically undermined” the US dollar by expanding “the money supply at will for financing war or manipulating the economy with little resistance from Congress–while benefiting the special interests that influence government.”
It’s not just the US gunning the mints. Goldman Sachs figures that three-fifths of the world’s broad money supply growth came from emerging economies over the past year or so. Three-fifths. That’s gigantic.
Goldman Sachs says the growth in Russia’s M3 measure of broad money grew 51% over the last year or so, India by 24%, and by 20% in China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Brazil. That’s three times as fast as the US and the rest of the developed world, and it’s faster than their GDP growth rates. It’s the fastest pace in decades.
All that loose money is pouring into commodities, stock exchanges around the planet as well as bond markets–it’s largely why our long-term bond yields have been historically low, spurring a dramatic increase in mortgage borrowing, as mortgage rates typically track the 10-year Treasury note.
Watch out here–emerging economies are just as susceptible to minting lots of money due to political pressures, including things like paying for wars, or calming local populations clamoring for higher pay and more jobs.
What can be done stateside?
The administration needs to state more emphatically that it supports a strong dollar. A stronger dollar would draw liquidity back into the credit markets, lower inflation risks, cut oil prices and restart economic growth, notes Bear Stearns economist David Malpass.
Presidential candidates vilify NAFTA and free trade, when the weak dollar is partly to blame for problems like jobs lost to overseas operations, Malpass adds.
“Empires fail because they run out of money, or more accurately, run out of the ability to spend or inflate,” Congressman Paul warns. “We need to control spending, immediately, before it is too late.”
Now that the real problems facing america can%26#039;t be so easily hiden,?
Ron Paul cannot garner more than 4% in Republican Primaries. He will get less than that in the General Election.
Reply:Ron Paul will lose the election.
Why not concentrate on a Republican who can win the election?
I recommend that you spend your time working for John McCain.
John Mccain is a Republican who can win.
Ron Paul has no chance.
Reply:Unfortunately, the average American doesn%26#039;t understand the broad scope of our economic system. Most won%26#039;t even attempt to unless they have been directly impacted. In our en devour to have %26quot;hope%26quot; many close their minds to such information and others still will dismiss it as just another %26quot;fear tactic.%26quot;
I applaud and encourage you to keep the message alive.
Reply:Why should Ron Paul run as an independent, when the Libertarian Party would be more than happy to allow him to run on their ticket? The Libertarian Party already is mostly through the process of getting on the ballot in every state, whereas any independent candidate would have to go through the whole petitioning process for all 50 states, which is often fails (I believe Ralph Nader has never been on all state ballots, not even under the Green Party%26#039;s ticket.)
The only significant policy difference is on immigration: Libertarian%26#039;s do not believe in building fences on the border .. they can say it%26#039;s purpose is to keep people out, but not too long ago, the Berlin Wall was there to keep people IN.
But even on immigration there is a lot of overlap .. Ron Paul and Libertarians believe the first step in dealing with immigration is to improve the US economy and END the free lunch of social services to these people.
Really surprised to see a poster here asking Ron Paul supporters to vote for McCain .. c%26#039;mon. The BIG issue here, McCain is a strong advocate for the Iraq War (and other such ideas) while Ron Paul was against this from day #1.
The Republican establishment all but brushed off Ron Paul%26#039;s candidacy as unacceptable because of this very issue, and so likewise the Republicans should not be shocked that Ron Paul Republicans will refuse to support their candidate against Obama.
Reply:A strong dollar will hurt American exports. Without careful management all that powering the dollar up will do is to increase the deficit by making it more expensive for people in foreign countries to purchase American products.
Money will leave the country but less will come back in.
even fox is talking about how right he is
Time to Listen to Ron Paul?
By Elizabeth MacDonald
Time to listen to Texas Congressman Ron Paul, the lone voice of reason in Congress today who’s got to feel like he’s shouting into a field of cotton with his repeated warnings about the dangers of a collapsing dollar, while the administration goes AWOL on the problem.
The dollar just hit a record intraday low against the euro on reports that consumer confidence levels have dropped to levels not seen since the post-Watergate era. It is down 7% year to date against the Chinese renminbi, it’s weaker than the Japanese yen and the Canadian loonie.
The joke is the greenback is now only stronger than the Mexican pesos and the Zimbabwe dollar, an overstatement for dramatic effect, to be sure.But since hitting a peak in 2002, the dollar has lost about a quarter of its value against a trade weighted basket of currencies.
A weak dollar acts as an anvil around the neck of the US economy and consumers. Rising inflation is essentially a tax on consumers, so are rising energy prices, and that double whammy threatens to undermine the purchasing power of the rebate checks due out in May–backed by printing even more dollars.
A bellwether event of significant import to our nation’s finances happened this past January 1 with little notice. That’s the day the first baby boomer was allowed to retire. A new federal report wearily warns once again for the umpteenth time that the nation faces some $60t in Social Security and Medicare unfunded liabilities alone.
We’ve heard time and again conservatives say deficits don’t matter. To say that deficits don’t matter is like saying ketchup is a vegetable or trees cause pollution.
The $406b we pay annually in interest on the $9t in federal debt alone would rank as the world’s 30th biggest economy.
That annual interest cost surpasses the gross domestic product of Belgium, and is bigger than the GDP of Denmark and Hungary combined. The $406b would cover the annual cost of investigating Medicare fraud.
Stack all those one dollar bills making up our $9t deficit (and that doesn’t include the $60t in unfunded liabilities for Medicare and Social Security) and you would reach the moon and back. “Printing money cannot create wealth, if it could counterfeiting would be legal,” economist Brian Wesbury has said.
Even Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist and a forceful advocate for laissez-faire economics, got so sick of the way central bankers were willy nilly printing money in the ‘70s, he advocated that the government should replace the Federal Reserve with a computer. “Money is too important to be left to central bankers,” he quipped.
Broad zoom: The US economy has spent all of a year and four months in a downturn over the last two and a half decades. During that time we’ve seen a market crash of 22% in 1987, the S%26amp;L crisis, four wars, three financial crises (Mexico, Asian flu and Russian debt crises), the blow up of the hedge fund Long Term Capital, two asset bubbles (dot com and telecom). Since the Bush tax cuts of 2003, the US economy added the equivalent of China’s GDP–and government spending has boomed.
Now Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has both cut rates at a breakneck speed and pumped a massive amount of monetary stimulus into the markets to cure the credit crisis. I still think he is doing his level best to fix a crisis not entirely of his own making. The question now is, will Bernanke yank the liquidity punch bowl when the economy returns to trend growth in 2010 or 2011 as the central bank projects?
Let’s hope so, because the case for a weak dollar is, to me, well, weak. Namely, that a lame greenback softens the housing and credit crises as it fuels profits at US exporters whose goods are now dirt cheap in the eyes of foreign customers. Strong foreign sales at places like Boeing and Caterpillar reportedly added 1.4% to US growth in the second quarter of 2007. But exports make up just 13% of GDP. Consumers make up a larger 70%.
It’s no surprise consumer confidence is as weak as it was in the ’70s. LBJ had promised this country it could have both guns and butter in the ‘60s, so the Federal Reserve gunned the printing presses to pay for spending on entitlement programs and for the Vietnam war. For the first time, too, politicians got their mitts on taxpayers’ Social Security funds, after Democrats passed a so-called “unified budget” in the late ‘60s.
All that spending caused the dollar to nosedive in the 1970s amidst an oil embargo that sent oil costs, priced in dollars, soaring. Paul Volcker, then Fed chairman, enacted rapid rate hikes hitting 21% by 1979, and the Treasury went so far as to sell $6.4b in “Carter bonds,” largely denominated in Deutschemarks, to prop up the dollar. Gold got ripped off its mooring of an average $35 an ounce in the ‘70s, and in 1980 it hit a record $835 an ounce, around $2,250 in today’s prices.
Gold acts as a dew line for inflation. We essentially have a good handle on how much gold there is in the world and potentially below ground. When gold rises in price, it signals we are printing too many dollars, which indicates a concurrent drop in the greenback’s value. Over the last seven years, gold and oil prices have risen in lockstep, up 239% and 267% respectively. If the dollar had also risen in value at the same rate, oil would be selling at about $30 a barrel.
But now central bankers say that because of the weak dollar, they’ve seen capital losses carved out of an estimated $3.34t worth of US dollars they hold in foreign currency reserves; Japan holds the most dollars, China is second. The fear is they may unload these plunging greenbacks en masse to cut their losses and run–which would really tip the US into a protracted recession. Already reports out of China show government officials there willing to rotate future planned investments out of US treasurys into other investments.
Countries pegged to the dollar are rightly saying, too, that we are exporting inflation to their shores. Saudi Arabia is a land that has had nearly zero inflation since 1998, but recently inflation soared to 7% annually, despite the fact the country is flush with petrodollars.
Congressman Paul rightfully warns us when he says the US government has “systematically undermined” the US dollar by expanding “the money supply at will for financing war or manipulating the economy with little resistance from Congress–while benefiting the special interests that influence government.”
It’s not just the US gunning the mints. Goldman Sachs figures that three-fifths of the world’s broad money supply growth came from emerging economies over the past year or so. Three-fifths. That’s gigantic.
Goldman Sachs says the growth in Russia’s M3 measure of broad money grew 51% over the last year or so, India by 24%, and by 20% in China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Brazil. That’s three times as fast as the US and the rest of the developed world, and it’s faster than their GDP growth rates. It’s the fastest pace in decades.
All that loose money is pouring into commodities, stock exchanges around the planet as well as bond markets–it’s largely why our long-term bond yields have been historically low, spurring a dramatic increase in mortgage borrowing, as mortgage rates typically track the 10-year Treasury note.
Watch out here–emerging economies are just as susceptible to minting lots of money due to political pressures, including things like paying for wars, or calming local populations clamoring for higher pay and more jobs.
What can be done stateside?
The administration needs to state more emphatically that it supports a strong dollar. A stronger dollar would draw liquidity back into the credit markets, lower inflation risks, cut oil prices and restart economic growth, notes Bear Stearns economist David Malpass.
Presidential candidates vilify NAFTA and free trade, when the weak dollar is partly to blame for problems like jobs lost to overseas operations, Malpass adds.
“Empires fail because they run out of money, or more accurately, run out of the ability to spend or inflate,” Congressman Paul warns. “We need to control spending, immediately, before it is too late.”
Now that the real problems facing america can%26#039;t be so easily hiden,?
Ron Paul cannot garner more than 4% in Republican Primaries. He will get less than that in the General Election.
Reply:Ron Paul will lose the election.
Why not concentrate on a Republican who can win the election?
I recommend that you spend your time working for John McCain.
John Mccain is a Republican who can win.
Ron Paul has no chance.
Reply:Unfortunately, the average American doesn%26#039;t understand the broad scope of our economic system. Most won%26#039;t even attempt to unless they have been directly impacted. In our en devour to have %26quot;hope%26quot; many close their minds to such information and others still will dismiss it as just another %26quot;fear tactic.%26quot;
I applaud and encourage you to keep the message alive.
Reply:Why should Ron Paul run as an independent, when the Libertarian Party would be more than happy to allow him to run on their ticket? The Libertarian Party already is mostly through the process of getting on the ballot in every state, whereas any independent candidate would have to go through the whole petitioning process for all 50 states, which is often fails (I believe Ralph Nader has never been on all state ballots, not even under the Green Party%26#039;s ticket.)
The only significant policy difference is on immigration: Libertarian%26#039;s do not believe in building fences on the border .. they can say it%26#039;s purpose is to keep people out, but not too long ago, the Berlin Wall was there to keep people IN.
But even on immigration there is a lot of overlap .. Ron Paul and Libertarians believe the first step in dealing with immigration is to improve the US economy and END the free lunch of social services to these people.
Really surprised to see a poster here asking Ron Paul supporters to vote for McCain .. c%26#039;mon. The BIG issue here, McCain is a strong advocate for the Iraq War (and other such ideas) while Ron Paul was against this from day #1.
The Republican establishment all but brushed off Ron Paul%26#039;s candidacy as unacceptable because of this very issue, and so likewise the Republicans should not be shocked that Ron Paul Republicans will refuse to support their candidate against Obama.
Reply:A strong dollar will hurt American exports. Without careful management all that powering the dollar up will do is to increase the deficit by making it more expensive for people in foreign countries to purchase American products.
Money will leave the country but less will come back in.
Speaking veganistically . . .?
where can I find vegan underwear? I%26#039;m sure the elastic contains animal products in the chemical composition even though the rest of it is cotton.
I%26#039;ve tried going without underwear but I leave skidmarks in my hemp pants. I%26#039;m trying to save trees so I use only one square of toilet paper per %26quot;sitting%26quot; which doesn%26#039;t help the skidmark problem. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Speaking veganistically . . .?
your awesome.
Reply:**** out in the woods and use leaves.
Reply:We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
(To those unaware, he%26#039;s posing as the real veganconscript)
Reply:Dude, if your that drunk, how did you find your computer?
Reply:This person is an imposter.
This is the profile of the real veganconscript:;_ylt...
Reply:maybe you could try girls panties with no elastic, they are also soft and silky to give you added comfort, and a lot of them have that cotton patch in them, that will help with the skid mark problem.
Reply:switch to FRUIT-of-looms
Reply:honestly? all i can say is that i hope you are joking!! lol
Reply:Ha ha ha ... very amusing.. but how about just wearing a fig leaf ? ........ very environmental
Reply:The real question here is how to stop leaving skid marks in the hemp pants. The answer is obvious. It Depends.
skin disease
I%26#039;ve tried going without underwear but I leave skidmarks in my hemp pants. I%26#039;m trying to save trees so I use only one square of toilet paper per %26quot;sitting%26quot; which doesn%26#039;t help the skidmark problem. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Speaking veganistically . . .?
your awesome.
Reply:**** out in the woods and use leaves.
Reply:We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
(To those unaware, he%26#039;s posing as the real veganconscript)
Reply:Dude, if your that drunk, how did you find your computer?
Reply:This person is an imposter.
This is the profile of the real veganconscript:;_ylt...
Reply:maybe you could try girls panties with no elastic, they are also soft and silky to give you added comfort, and a lot of them have that cotton patch in them, that will help with the skid mark problem.
Reply:switch to FRUIT-of-looms
Reply:honestly? all i can say is that i hope you are joking!! lol
Reply:Ha ha ha ... very amusing.. but how about just wearing a fig leaf ? ........ very environmental
Reply:The real question here is how to stop leaving skid marks in the hemp pants. The answer is obvious. It Depends.
skin disease
I want to run away and do whatever l like and do what I have always wanted to do... anyone want to join me?
I want to climb trees again, skip stones on a pond.... stay up all night eating smores and pop corn.... making hand puppets.... having a picnic on the roof and counting the stars and making fairy tales about them.... I want to pig out on pizza, fondue.... lasagna, spaghetti and mac and cheese.... I want to chase fireflies and row down a grassy knoll and laugh till my tummy hurts... I want to believe that there is only good in the world... and a smile is authentic and genuine... I want to eat cotton candy and carmel corn balls... I want to play hide and seek in the dark and play kick the can. I want to look for where the rainbow ends and find the treasure is marked on my heart.... I want to sing silly and not care whom is listening... I want to jump off a wall and not be afraid of scratching my knees and that I might fall.... I want to run as fast as I can so that when I leap I can feel like flying.... I want to lay on the grass and look up at the clouds above and believe again..
I want to run away and do whatever l like and do what I have always wanted to do... anyone want to join me?
While reading this, I promise you..I had tears in my eyes. I want to run away with you and do all that! Come pick me up PLEASEEEE
Reply:Me too lol! I want to belive that dreams DO come true...that I`m going to have a happy ending.....but the which who sent me to your new york world this place never has a happly ever after.. :( ohh, are you sad? oh no...*sobs* this is just so sad..
Reply:To quote Bon Jovi %26quot; I haven%26#039;t had a bad day since the doctor spanked my a**%26quot;
LIVE........Like you only have 1 life
LAUGH...Till your belly hurts
It%26#039;s already there.
Reply:I do too!*!*!*! :*)
Reply:I wish I could join u in all these moments....but would it be really possible...can we leave all our responsiblities and go for a life where we can do all we wish without caring for anything and anybody?
Reply:So what did your parents punish you for this time?
Reply:Why don%26#039;t you do those things? There is no age limit in childish pleasures!
Reply:please take me with you. im ready to leave now.
Reply:i know what you mean, i feel the same way.
Reply:Sounds like that Twilight Zone episode %26quot;Kick The Can%26quot;. It was the one where folks at a senior citizens complex started playing a version of hide and seek and got younger with each time they did it. Maybe returning to some of the things that we did when younger can help us all age slower? I%26#039;m over fifty and remember simpler times. A camping trip with family/friends seemed to do the trick. We didn%26#039;t need loads of money, drug-induced stupor or exotic destinations to achieve happiness. There is too much emphasis on %26quot;growing up%26quot;, competing in the workplace and instant gratification
(financial and otherwise) today. We have all become slaves to the technology we have created! People need to get back to the basics and to simplify their lives.
TO REBECCA: You are my kind of gal!
I want to climb trees again, skip stones on a pond.... stay up all night eating smores and pop corn.... making hand puppets.... having a picnic on the roof and counting the stars and making fairy tales about them.... I want to pig out on pizza, fondue.... lasagna, spaghetti and mac and cheese.... I want to chase fireflies and row down a grassy knoll and laugh till my tummy hurts... I want to believe that there is only good in the world... and a smile is authentic and genuine... I want to eat cotton candy and carmel corn balls... I want to play hide and seek in the dark and play kick the can. I want to look for where the rainbow ends and find the treasure is marked on my heart.... I want to sing silly and not care whom is listening... I want to jump off a wall and not be afraid of scratching my knees and that I might fall.... I want to run as fast as I can so that when I leap I can feel like flying.... I want to lay on the grass and look up at the clouds above and believe again..
I want to run away and do whatever l like and do what I have always wanted to do... anyone want to join me?
While reading this, I promise you..I had tears in my eyes. I want to run away with you and do all that! Come pick me up PLEASEEEE
Reply:Me too lol! I want to belive that dreams DO come true...that I`m going to have a happy ending.....but the which who sent me to your new york world this place never has a happly ever after.. :( ohh, are you sad? oh no...*sobs* this is just so sad..
Reply:To quote Bon Jovi %26quot; I haven%26#039;t had a bad day since the doctor spanked my a**%26quot;
LIVE........Like you only have 1 life
LAUGH...Till your belly hurts
It%26#039;s already there.
Reply:I do too!*!*!*! :*)
Reply:I wish I could join u in all these moments....but would it be really possible...can we leave all our responsiblities and go for a life where we can do all we wish without caring for anything and anybody?
Reply:So what did your parents punish you for this time?
Reply:Why don%26#039;t you do those things? There is no age limit in childish pleasures!
Reply:please take me with you. im ready to leave now.
Reply:i know what you mean, i feel the same way.
Reply:Sounds like that Twilight Zone episode %26quot;Kick The Can%26quot;. It was the one where folks at a senior citizens complex started playing a version of hide and seek and got younger with each time they did it. Maybe returning to some of the things that we did when younger can help us all age slower? I%26#039;m over fifty and remember simpler times. A camping trip with family/friends seemed to do the trick. We didn%26#039;t need loads of money, drug-induced stupor or exotic destinations to achieve happiness. There is too much emphasis on %26quot;growing up%26quot;, competing in the workplace and instant gratification
(financial and otherwise) today. We have all become slaves to the technology we have created! People need to get back to the basics and to simplify their lives.
TO REBECCA: You are my kind of gal!
How do I get birds to nibble on my nut sacks?
It%26#039;s not what you think!
I have put up some bags of nuts n seeds for the little birds. No birds have cottoned on yet and my sacks are still full. How do i attract them to have a nibble?
They are on a young tree and the branches tend to sway easily.
How do I get birds to nibble on my nut sacks?
I find the best bird feed is sunflower hearts,click link below to see pictures of birds in my garden.
Reply:sprinkle some bread crumbs round the bottom
...................of the tree
Reply:what in da hell iz you talkin bout??
yo ballz
Reply:Haha I dont care bout the details, thats funny as f**k
Reply:coat them with suet
Reply:rub peanut butter on your nads
Reply:buy her half of lager
Reply:it seems that the birds in my hood only like sunflower seed. the will not eat anything else.
Reply:I think it depends a lot on the birds. I had 5 budgies at one time and old one of them was adventurous enough to try new treats.
Reply:I don%26#039;t have an answer, but OMG that%26#039;s friggen hilarious!! I%26#039;m sure every man would like to know the answer if you find one! LOL Good luck! ;)
PS: Have you tried buying suet instead?
Reply:Put them on a higher branch away from cats
Reply:get them drunk
Reply:put a little peanut butter on the bags. peanut butter attracts them at times because of the fatty content. birds need all the fat they can get because of their scrawny diet. you might want to move the bags to a sturdier branch. the movement of the bags might not encourage the birds%26#039; interest in eating from them.
Reply:first spread the branches wide then apply a generous amount of honey on the sacs
Reply:hmmmm take off your pants
I have put up some bags of nuts n seeds for the little birds. No birds have cottoned on yet and my sacks are still full. How do i attract them to have a nibble?
They are on a young tree and the branches tend to sway easily.
How do I get birds to nibble on my nut sacks?
I find the best bird feed is sunflower hearts,click link below to see pictures of birds in my garden.
Reply:sprinkle some bread crumbs round the bottom
...................of the tree
Reply:what in da hell iz you talkin bout??
yo ballz
Reply:Haha I dont care bout the details, thats funny as f**k
Reply:coat them with suet
Reply:rub peanut butter on your nads
Reply:buy her half of lager
Reply:it seems that the birds in my hood only like sunflower seed. the will not eat anything else.
Reply:I think it depends a lot on the birds. I had 5 budgies at one time and old one of them was adventurous enough to try new treats.
Reply:I don%26#039;t have an answer, but OMG that%26#039;s friggen hilarious!! I%26#039;m sure every man would like to know the answer if you find one! LOL Good luck! ;)
PS: Have you tried buying suet instead?
Reply:Put them on a higher branch away from cats
Reply:get them drunk
Reply:put a little peanut butter on the bags. peanut butter attracts them at times because of the fatty content. birds need all the fat they can get because of their scrawny diet. you might want to move the bags to a sturdier branch. the movement of the bags might not encourage the birds%26#039; interest in eating from them.
Reply:first spread the branches wide then apply a generous amount of honey on the sacs
Reply:hmmmm take off your pants
Where Should I move?
I really like winter, and fall seasons. I absolutely hate the summers in Chico, we get up into the hundreds. I%26#039;m a tweed skirt, cotton stockings, scarf, and clogs kinda girl. I don%26#039;t really like snow but it would be better than this. I want to live somewhere with lots of trees and old houses. I don%26#039;t like the city. I just want to move somewhere where I can live in an old house surrounded by fall leaves and cold weather while I teach. But I don%26#039;t want to move too too far from my family in California is Oregon the right place for me? Or are there any other places you can think of that fits that description?
Where Should I move?
Eugene, OR...Beautiful, laid back, safe...Check it out.
Reply:the only place i can think of is southern ky and tenn. it is so pretty in the mountains in fall i love it but you said you dont want to move away from your family
Reply:It%26#039;s expensive for rent but Palo Alto, Mountain View Sunnyvale or Los altos in the SF Bay Area. Lots of trees, cool weather almost year round and very safe. There are some historic houses and old neighborhoods there as well.
Reply:I was going to suggest Virginia but it might be a little far for you.
Payday Loan
Where Should I move?
Eugene, OR...Beautiful, laid back, safe...Check it out.
Reply:the only place i can think of is southern ky and tenn. it is so pretty in the mountains in fall i love it but you said you dont want to move away from your family
Reply:It%26#039;s expensive for rent but Palo Alto, Mountain View Sunnyvale or Los altos in the SF Bay Area. Lots of trees, cool weather almost year round and very safe. There are some historic houses and old neighborhoods there as well.
Reply:I was going to suggest Virginia but it might be a little far for you.
Payday Loan
Which of the following sounds like a great vacation or retreat?
1. rolling sand dunes
2. waterfalls %26amp; palm trees
3. mountain spa
4. snow packed hillsides
5. beach chairs %26amp; drink with an paper umbrella in it
6. dirt or mud track
7. amusement park rides
8. clowns,balloons %26amp; cotton candy
9. changing of the guards
10. camel riding
More than one answer is cool...=)
Which of the following sounds like a great vacation or retreat?
2%26amp;3%26amp;5%26amp;6 but 5 would have to be my top pick! I%26#039;m ready to go now! Too much work...
Reply:2. waterfalls %26amp; palm trees
3. mountain spa
4. snow packed hillsides
5. beach chairs %26amp; drink with an paper umbrella in it
7. amusement park rides
9. changing of the guards
Reply:waterfalls and palm trees
mountain spa
beach chairs and drink with a paper umbrella in it
amusement park rides
camel riding
Basically, anywhere warm. Also, anywhere with rollercoasters.
Reply:2, 5, and 7
Reply:3. mountain spa
9. changing of the guards
Reply:2. waterfalls %26amp; palm trees
5. beach chairs %26amp; drink with an paper umbrella in it
Reply:1, 2, and 5 work for me.
Reply:3, 5, 7, 8...... oh what the heck i LOVE all of them :)
Reply:amusement park rides
Reply:2, 3, 4, 5
and Spain
Reply:1 and 7!
Reply:2 and 5
2. waterfalls %26amp; palm trees
3. mountain spa
4. snow packed hillsides
5. beach chairs %26amp; drink with an paper umbrella in it
6. dirt or mud track
7. amusement park rides
8. clowns,balloons %26amp; cotton candy
9. changing of the guards
10. camel riding
More than one answer is cool...=)
Which of the following sounds like a great vacation or retreat?
2%26amp;3%26amp;5%26amp;6 but 5 would have to be my top pick! I%26#039;m ready to go now! Too much work...
Reply:2. waterfalls %26amp; palm trees
3. mountain spa
4. snow packed hillsides
5. beach chairs %26amp; drink with an paper umbrella in it
7. amusement park rides
9. changing of the guards
Reply:waterfalls and palm trees
mountain spa
beach chairs and drink with a paper umbrella in it
amusement park rides
camel riding
Basically, anywhere warm. Also, anywhere with rollercoasters.
Reply:2, 5, and 7
Reply:3. mountain spa
9. changing of the guards
Reply:2. waterfalls %26amp; palm trees
5. beach chairs %26amp; drink with an paper umbrella in it
Reply:1, 2, and 5 work for me.
Reply:3, 5, 7, 8...... oh what the heck i LOVE all of them :)
Reply:amusement park rides
Reply:2, 3, 4, 5
and Spain
Reply:1 and 7!
Reply:2 and 5
Where are you on the use of supermarket plastic bags ?
Hi Folks,
I personally have a couple of supermarket cotton bags, so do not use loads of plastic ones, although they are handy as a kitchen bin liner.
However, what would happen in the fruit %26amp; veg aisles ?
Imagine a trolley or basket with it all loose
At the checkout-out conveyor belt, we have two potatoes, an apple, a loose bundle of mushrooms, another potato, an onion, two oranges, yet another potato etc, etc.
I may try this method for fun under the pretext that I am following suprtmarket instructions to be %26quot;eco-freindly%26quot;
My local Co-Op is still using %26quot;Christmas%26quot; plastic bags.
They say someone over-ordered
Could use paper ones, but there go the trees again
Any humourous or serious answers thankfully received
Where are you on the use of supermarket plastic bags ?
it is no laughing matter, bob
I try to cut down on plastic whenever i can. when archaeologists dig 100 years from now, we will be known as the %26quot;plactic people%26quot; due to the large layer of plastic around the earth that we have buried. inagine what this is doing to the planet.
Reply:they should be stopped and recycled paper bags could be use just like years ago before the big supermarkets took over
Reply:Plastic bags, if recycled, are not harmful at all. Just don%26#039;t put it over your head for too long.
Reply:I hate to be overly serious but this is a most urgent and literally life and death question. Now that the horrendous impact of this menace of plague like proportions has been identified and graphically illustrated their use should cease immediately. We constantly hear of the enormous profits of the big Supermarkets who should replace their feigned concern for the environment with an environmental friendly alternative to this modern day scourge by using a fraction of their obscene proceeds.
Reply:Those plastic bags have 999 uses, just slightly lower than duct tape.
I use them as small trash can liners.
When cleaning out the kitty litter.
When I%26#039;m painting and take a break for a couple hours I don%26#039;t want to spend a lot of time washing out brushes, and I don%26#039;t want them to dry out so I wrap the paint brushes in a plastic bag. They%26#039;ll keep overnight without having to wash out brushes until I%26#039;m done.
I take lunch to work in them.
I toss vegetable scraps I collect for the compost heap in them.
If i have too many, my supermarket has a recycling bin where they collect the extras from customers. If yours doesn%26#039;t talk to the manager about it.
Reply:I still use plastic ,,but than I recycle them and reuse them if they are clean..I use them to put xmas decorations in from one yr to the next so they don%26#039;t have that musty smell...I also use them for small trash can liners...I use them to carry things to my mom,,like lunches etc,,,and than she reuses them to use as trash can liners..They get lots of reuse if I can think of it..I almost never throw away any 1 time used ones...
I think they should use big material heavy ones at the grocery the old shopping bags or baskets...Or at least melt them down and remake new ones instead of dumping them in the land fills..I hate waste..
Reply:I never take plastic bags unless I really have to. I have shopping bags I take with me. We have to pay 15 cent for each plastic bag here which is a good thing as they are no longer stuck to wire fencing all over the country. Recycled paper bags should be provided in all the stores I think.
Reply:I have the reusable ones too but I really need the plastic ones for the bathroom trashes... :(
For the veggies, though, they could use biodegradable containers...
acne scar
I personally have a couple of supermarket cotton bags, so do not use loads of plastic ones, although they are handy as a kitchen bin liner.
However, what would happen in the fruit %26amp; veg aisles ?
Imagine a trolley or basket with it all loose
At the checkout-out conveyor belt, we have two potatoes, an apple, a loose bundle of mushrooms, another potato, an onion, two oranges, yet another potato etc, etc.
I may try this method for fun under the pretext that I am following suprtmarket instructions to be %26quot;eco-freindly%26quot;
My local Co-Op is still using %26quot;Christmas%26quot; plastic bags.
They say someone over-ordered
Could use paper ones, but there go the trees again
Any humourous or serious answers thankfully received
Where are you on the use of supermarket plastic bags ?
it is no laughing matter, bob
I try to cut down on plastic whenever i can. when archaeologists dig 100 years from now, we will be known as the %26quot;plactic people%26quot; due to the large layer of plastic around the earth that we have buried. inagine what this is doing to the planet.
Reply:they should be stopped and recycled paper bags could be use just like years ago before the big supermarkets took over
Reply:Plastic bags, if recycled, are not harmful at all. Just don%26#039;t put it over your head for too long.
Reply:I hate to be overly serious but this is a most urgent and literally life and death question. Now that the horrendous impact of this menace of plague like proportions has been identified and graphically illustrated their use should cease immediately. We constantly hear of the enormous profits of the big Supermarkets who should replace their feigned concern for the environment with an environmental friendly alternative to this modern day scourge by using a fraction of their obscene proceeds.
Reply:Those plastic bags have 999 uses, just slightly lower than duct tape.
I use them as small trash can liners.
When cleaning out the kitty litter.
When I%26#039;m painting and take a break for a couple hours I don%26#039;t want to spend a lot of time washing out brushes, and I don%26#039;t want them to dry out so I wrap the paint brushes in a plastic bag. They%26#039;ll keep overnight without having to wash out brushes until I%26#039;m done.
I take lunch to work in them.
I toss vegetable scraps I collect for the compost heap in them.
If i have too many, my supermarket has a recycling bin where they collect the extras from customers. If yours doesn%26#039;t talk to the manager about it.
Reply:I still use plastic ,,but than I recycle them and reuse them if they are clean..I use them to put xmas decorations in from one yr to the next so they don%26#039;t have that musty smell...I also use them for small trash can liners...I use them to carry things to my mom,,like lunches etc,,,and than she reuses them to use as trash can liners..They get lots of reuse if I can think of it..I almost never throw away any 1 time used ones...
I think they should use big material heavy ones at the grocery the old shopping bags or baskets...Or at least melt them down and remake new ones instead of dumping them in the land fills..I hate waste..
Reply:I never take plastic bags unless I really have to. I have shopping bags I take with me. We have to pay 15 cent for each plastic bag here which is a good thing as they are no longer stuck to wire fencing all over the country. Recycled paper bags should be provided in all the stores I think.
Reply:I have the reusable ones too but I really need the plastic ones for the bathroom trashes... :(
For the veggies, though, they could use biodegradable containers...
acne scar
Can you take a look at my poem about candy?
2 poems, can yea plz add some metaphors(:
World made from candy
I live in a world made of candy
where marsrhmellows drop like falling snow
from the cotton candy clouds high above
Walking around on starburst stepping stones
Taking the time to smell the fresh Lifesavor roses
Picked some Skittles hanging from
Green taffy trees
Grabbed a boat and took a ride
On the sugar filled lake
That poem can yoy help me with a ending?
When I got home from school today
On the table was a chocolate feast
Smarties, Carmel, Crunchie so much more
The first bar I got was covered in foil
Ripped it off and stuffed my face
In less then a second I was done
I started on the next bar
I was having so much fun
Chocolate running down my face
dancing down my throat
Areo melting in my mouth
Finger licking good
I was right about to take a bite
of the smooth chocolate deligth
When my mother woke me up
I woke up, and said,
%26quot;Do I have to get up, just one more bite?”
Can you take a look at my poem about candy?
hey good one....i liked it...=)
And lots of other flavors too
Whatever it takes
To get me out of this blues....
Far away I%26#039;m sailing
Into a dream, where you%26#039;re always failing
It could just be me
No it%26#039;s not
It%26#039;s what I see...
hope this helps....well I am very poor at grammar though...
hairstyles hair style
World made from candy
I live in a world made of candy
where marsrhmellows drop like falling snow
from the cotton candy clouds high above
Walking around on starburst stepping stones
Taking the time to smell the fresh Lifesavor roses
Picked some Skittles hanging from
Green taffy trees
Grabbed a boat and took a ride
On the sugar filled lake
That poem can yoy help me with a ending?
When I got home from school today
On the table was a chocolate feast
Smarties, Carmel, Crunchie so much more
The first bar I got was covered in foil
Ripped it off and stuffed my face
In less then a second I was done
I started on the next bar
I was having so much fun
Chocolate running down my face
dancing down my throat
Areo melting in my mouth
Finger licking good
I was right about to take a bite
of the smooth chocolate deligth
When my mother woke me up
I woke up, and said,
%26quot;Do I have to get up, just one more bite?”
Can you take a look at my poem about candy?
hey good one....i liked it...=)
And lots of other flavors too
Whatever it takes
To get me out of this blues....
Far away I%26#039;m sailing
Into a dream, where you%26#039;re always failing
It could just be me
No it%26#039;s not
It%26#039;s what I see...
hope this helps....well I am very poor at grammar though...
hairstyles hair style
Comments on this poem?
Selfish Suicide
By: Valeria
Choking diesel exhaust,
Look up to the gray smoke sky.
Drip, drop,
The clouds can%26#039;t hold their sickening soak.
Can%26#039;t hold.
Raining damn hard;
Let the drops of acid pour down your white stained shirt,
Let it burn through the thin cotton,
Of moth eaten cloth.
To your pale dying flesh-
It seeps through your pores,
Numb to all problems,
No consequence.
All that is human is alive,
Yet the animals, yet the trees,
Have succumbed to the acid rain.
Taste the death liquid,
Our gift to mother nature-
Taste the bland sadness,
Of our dying earth-
Left alone,
Left to rot-
With nothing but ourselves.
Such selfish suicide.
Comments on this poem?
You are keenly aware of the environmental risks we face. I applaud your awareness of the issue.
From a poetic standpoint, you could paint a picture with your words rather than describe what is happening like a reporter.
All that is human is alive
Yet the animals, yet the trees,
Have succumbed to the acid rain
EX of change
The man and woman cling to life
While the frog lies sterile in a puddle
And the maples molt their mottled leaves.
One is not better than the other, but one is a commentary and one is a picture. Pictures and poetry go hand in hand.
Keep writing
Reply:First of all pick a better pen name. Moths eat wool, not cotton. Your poem is too predictable. It%26#039;s like a geometric painting, too precise and too prescribed. Too many angles that are alike. It doesn%26#039;t seem natural. It%26#039;s a good start. Keep going with it.
genealogy mormon
By: Valeria
Choking diesel exhaust,
Look up to the gray smoke sky.
Drip, drop,
The clouds can%26#039;t hold their sickening soak.
Can%26#039;t hold.
Raining damn hard;
Let the drops of acid pour down your white stained shirt,
Let it burn through the thin cotton,
Of moth eaten cloth.
To your pale dying flesh-
It seeps through your pores,
Numb to all problems,
No consequence.
All that is human is alive,
Yet the animals, yet the trees,
Have succumbed to the acid rain.
Taste the death liquid,
Our gift to mother nature-
Taste the bland sadness,
Of our dying earth-
Left alone,
Left to rot-
With nothing but ourselves.
Such selfish suicide.
Comments on this poem?
You are keenly aware of the environmental risks we face. I applaud your awareness of the issue.
From a poetic standpoint, you could paint a picture with your words rather than describe what is happening like a reporter.
All that is human is alive
Yet the animals, yet the trees,
Have succumbed to the acid rain
EX of change
The man and woman cling to life
While the frog lies sterile in a puddle
And the maples molt their mottled leaves.
One is not better than the other, but one is a commentary and one is a picture. Pictures and poetry go hand in hand.
Keep writing
Reply:First of all pick a better pen name. Moths eat wool, not cotton. Your poem is too predictable. It%26#039;s like a geometric painting, too precise and too prescribed. Too many angles that are alike. It doesn%26#039;t seem natural. It%26#039;s a good start. Keep going with it.
genealogy mormon
I am having a winter carnival birthday party, and i need some ideas on what to do, do you have any ideas?
The party is based on winter and evryone but me and my party planner get to wear white.
I already have a cotton candy machine, and a snow-cone machine. Also, a chocolite fountain.
It is for a 13 year old.
The house will be decorated with christmas trees, snow on the ground, and stuff like that.
Have any more ideas on how to decorate, or ideas on food??
I am having a winter carnival birthday party, and i need some ideas on what to do, do you have any ideas?
ice skating, snowflake making i dont know! lol! Soory. BUt I really think that ice skating might be a good idea. If that isn%26#039;t possible then an art contest? The winner gets a free ticket to a movie? Oh a movie! Try Fred Claus it%26#039;s hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:How about having them decorate their own Christmas ornament? Sounds like you have everything under control. A snowman might be a nice touch for a decoration item! I would be careful with the chocolate unless it is white with them wearing all white.. lol..
Reply:First of all , am I invited? Second of all , I do believe that is more than enough and 3rdly , can I bring my daughter too.
Reply:Hmm, maybe you should have it under a big tent.. just like a carnival. Then make kids go on costumes, like really festive costumes.
Have flaglets: Cut art papers in triangles then hang it on a string, have spaces for every triangle then hang that on the ceiling.. have lots of that.
Get an electric fan, cut very long thick strips of colored papers then tie in to the electric fan.. when you turn it on, it%26#039;s gonna make some nice waves in the air.
Plus, have FACE PAINTING activity!
Have fun!!
Reply:There are these lovely treats called snowballs and they%26#039;re made out of coconut, they%26#039;re delicious. They%26#039;d go down well at a winter party.
Reply:Oh my goodness, what a great mom you are. That sounds fun for adults as well. You already have so much good things going on. Is there a movie you could all watch, maybe one that involves snow. Umm, how about white chocolate of some sort. . .I know you have the fountain, but ya never know. There are those white lindt mints. Can you make white milk shakes? I think something important you are forgetting are games. How about something with snowballs, cotton. Have a race with cottonballs on a spoon etc. have fun!
Reply:You can greet your guests by writing on the snow or have a Snow Writing Contest, you need spray bottles with water and food coloring. If it is in the evening you can add clear holiday lights to your decor. You can have the kids make their own snow flakes, that is if you trust them with a pair of scissors or make their own party favors like bracelets with blue, white, silver beads or headdresses. You can have a Snowball Throwing Contest, a Snowflake Hunt (you can use the ones the kids made and save yourself some work).
For food you can have any type of cake you just have to get white glaze and decorate it accordingly, you can serve them hot cocoa with white marsh mellows; or simply chocolate dipped marsh mellows, nuts, fruit, etc (you can use white chocolate), it all depends on how formal you what the eating to be, and most important ask the 13 year old who%26#039;s party this is: what do they want?
Reply:For food you should get chips. kids love them.
Reply:you could give 2-5 tickets for every game and you could buy winter toys like snowmen,stuffed christmas, of stuffed snowflakesand each one costs a sertan amount of tickets
and for food you could make christmas cookies, hot choclate, and anything that has to do with winter
well hope that helps
I already have a cotton candy machine, and a snow-cone machine. Also, a chocolite fountain.
It is for a 13 year old.
The house will be decorated with christmas trees, snow on the ground, and stuff like that.
Have any more ideas on how to decorate, or ideas on food??
I am having a winter carnival birthday party, and i need some ideas on what to do, do you have any ideas?
ice skating, snowflake making i dont know! lol! Soory. BUt I really think that ice skating might be a good idea. If that isn%26#039;t possible then an art contest? The winner gets a free ticket to a movie? Oh a movie! Try Fred Claus it%26#039;s hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:How about having them decorate their own Christmas ornament? Sounds like you have everything under control. A snowman might be a nice touch for a decoration item! I would be careful with the chocolate unless it is white with them wearing all white.. lol..
Reply:First of all , am I invited? Second of all , I do believe that is more than enough and 3rdly , can I bring my daughter too.
Reply:Hmm, maybe you should have it under a big tent.. just like a carnival. Then make kids go on costumes, like really festive costumes.
Have flaglets: Cut art papers in triangles then hang it on a string, have spaces for every triangle then hang that on the ceiling.. have lots of that.
Get an electric fan, cut very long thick strips of colored papers then tie in to the electric fan.. when you turn it on, it%26#039;s gonna make some nice waves in the air.
Plus, have FACE PAINTING activity!
Have fun!!
Reply:There are these lovely treats called snowballs and they%26#039;re made out of coconut, they%26#039;re delicious. They%26#039;d go down well at a winter party.
Reply:Oh my goodness, what a great mom you are. That sounds fun for adults as well. You already have so much good things going on. Is there a movie you could all watch, maybe one that involves snow. Umm, how about white chocolate of some sort. . .I know you have the fountain, but ya never know. There are those white lindt mints. Can you make white milk shakes? I think something important you are forgetting are games. How about something with snowballs, cotton. Have a race with cottonballs on a spoon etc. have fun!
Reply:You can greet your guests by writing on the snow or have a Snow Writing Contest, you need spray bottles with water and food coloring. If it is in the evening you can add clear holiday lights to your decor. You can have the kids make their own snow flakes, that is if you trust them with a pair of scissors or make their own party favors like bracelets with blue, white, silver beads or headdresses. You can have a Snowball Throwing Contest, a Snowflake Hunt (you can use the ones the kids made and save yourself some work).
For food you can have any type of cake you just have to get white glaze and decorate it accordingly, you can serve them hot cocoa with white marsh mellows; or simply chocolate dipped marsh mellows, nuts, fruit, etc (you can use white chocolate), it all depends on how formal you what the eating to be, and most important ask the 13 year old who%26#039;s party this is: what do they want?
Reply:For food you should get chips. kids love them.
Reply:you could give 2-5 tickets for every game and you could buy winter toys like snowmen,stuffed christmas, of stuffed snowflakesand each one costs a sertan amount of tickets
and for food you could make christmas cookies, hot choclate, and anything that has to do with winter
well hope that helps
How do you find this poem?
Selfish Suicide
By: Valeria
Smoking cigarette, dirty jeans,
Look up to the gray smoke sky
Drip, drop;
The clouds can%26#039;t hold their sickening soak.
They murmur.
They whine.
Raining damn hard;
Let the drops of acid pour down your white stained shirt,
Let them rip through the thin cotton,
Of moth eaten cloth.
To your pale dying flesh-
It seeps through your pores,
Numb to all problems,
No effect.
By the river, by the acid bank,
Trees choke on their final breath.
Birds long to soar in the open sky,
Incapable, poisoned, never to fly.
Taste the death liquid,
Our gift to mother nature.
taste the bland sadness,
Of our dying earth-
Left alone;
With nothing but ourselves.
Such selfish suicide.
How do you find this poem?
I found this poem on Yahoo Answers.
seriously though, I think it is a good start on a deep and far-reaching subject. I would like to see it expanded to include more of the things we do to our world for the sheer reason of selfish greed.
Reply:i like the rhythm of the poem and the message is strong but a little too dark for my taste but don%26#039;t worry about ppl that tell you that they hate it or don%26#039;t like it b/c it is how you feel about your own poem that matters most..just take out the good critique...and try to be versitle in your poem making
Reply:unless you a beautiful girl you make me suicidal
Reply:sad, depressing, strange, I loved it.
skin care product
By: Valeria
Smoking cigarette, dirty jeans,
Look up to the gray smoke sky
Drip, drop;
The clouds can%26#039;t hold their sickening soak.
They murmur.
They whine.
Raining damn hard;
Let the drops of acid pour down your white stained shirt,
Let them rip through the thin cotton,
Of moth eaten cloth.
To your pale dying flesh-
It seeps through your pores,
Numb to all problems,
No effect.
By the river, by the acid bank,
Trees choke on their final breath.
Birds long to soar in the open sky,
Incapable, poisoned, never to fly.
Taste the death liquid,
Our gift to mother nature.
taste the bland sadness,
Of our dying earth-
Left alone;
With nothing but ourselves.
Such selfish suicide.
How do you find this poem?
I found this poem on Yahoo Answers.
seriously though, I think it is a good start on a deep and far-reaching subject. I would like to see it expanded to include more of the things we do to our world for the sheer reason of selfish greed.
Reply:i like the rhythm of the poem and the message is strong but a little too dark for my taste but don%26#039;t worry about ppl that tell you that they hate it or don%26#039;t like it b/c it is how you feel about your own poem that matters most..just take out the good critique...and try to be versitle in your poem making
Reply:unless you a beautiful girl you make me suicidal
Reply:sad, depressing, strange, I loved it.
skin care product
Lyrically speaking, what song's chart success defies all logic?
I%26#039;ll enter my vote for %26quot;MacArthur Park%26quot;.
Spring was never waiting for us, girl
It ran one step ahead
As we followed in the dance
Between the parted pages and were pressed,
In love%26#039;s hot, fevered iron
Like a striped pair of pants
MacArthur%26#039;s Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down...
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don%26#039;t think that I can take it
%26#039;cause it took so long to bake it
And I%26#039;ll never have that recipe again
Oh, no!
I recall the yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
On the ground around your knees
The birds, like tender babies in your hands
And the old men playing checkers by the trees
Lyrically speaking, what song%26#039;s chart success defies all logic?
The Macarena
Reply:Without a doubt a Starship song. Most of what the Starship or Jefferson Starship did rocked, but this P.O.S. just blew chunks.
We Built This City
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Say you don%26#039;t know me, or recognize my face
Say you don%26#039;t care who goes to that kind of place
Knee deep in the hoopla, sinking in your fight
Too many runaways eating up the night
Marconi plays La Bamba,
Listen to the radio -
Don%26#039;t you remember?
We built this city,
We built this city on rock an%26#039; roll!
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Someone always playing corporation games
Who cares - they%26#039;re always changing corporation names
We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible, write us off the page
Marconi plays La Bamba,
Listen to the radio -
Don%26#039;t you remember?
We built this city,
We built this city on rock an%26#039; roll!
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
It%26#039;s just another Sunday, in a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh, but we just lost the beat
Who counts the money underneath the bar
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars
Don%26#039;t tell us you need us, %26#039;cause we%26#039;re the simple fools
Looking for America, crawling through your schools
(I%26#039;m looking out over that Golden Gate bridge
Out on another gorgeous sunny Saturday, I%26#039;m seeing that bumper-to-bumper traffic)
Don%26#039;t you remember? (remember)
(Here%26#039;s your favorite radio station, in your favorite radio city
The city by the bay, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps)
Marconi plays La Bamba,
Listen to the radio -
Don%26#039;t you remember?
We built this city,
We built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
(We built, we built this city)
Built this city (we built, we built this city)
(Repeat until fade)
Reply:The MMM MMM song
You Light Up My Life- I mean 10 weeks at Number 1?!!!
Henry the 8th
Reply:Like A Rolling Stone.
I still don%26#039;t know what%26#039;s the fuss is all about: cheesy lyrics, terrible voice.
%26quot;How does it feel, to be without a home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone%26quot;
Reply:Right Said Fred...ack.
BTW, the B-52%26#039;s riffed on MacArthur Park in one of their songs...%26quot;your face looks like a cake left in the rain, is your name MacArthur Parker, or is it Reba?%26quot;
Reply:eve of destruction,barry McGuire
Reply:I like your choice...gotta mention %26#039;%26#039;In The Navy%26#039;%26#039; Village People
Reply:Mmmmmm Bopp WTF is that??
Reply:%26quot;A horse With No Name%26quot; by America
Reply:That was one of several awful songs from the 60/70%26#039;s that the nostalgia freaks seem to neglect. Further proof that there is always going to be bad music at any given time. I%26#039;ll cast my vote for anything written by Nickelback, especially Figured You Out.
Reply:any and all Nickleback
all boy bands
but for me the king of crap
Who Let the Dogs Out?
Reply:I think MacArthur park takes the cake!!! I think Kriss Kross %26quot;JUMP%26quot; stank too--14 year old boys as mack daddies? i dont tihnk so, i think thats wiggida wack!!
Jump Jump
You should know, you should know that ahhh
Kris Kross is not having anything today
As we stand there totally krossed out
We commence to make you
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
Don%26#039;t try to compare us to another bad little fad
I%26#039;m the Mac and I%26#039;m bad give you something that you never had
I%26#039;ll make ya Jump Jump wiggle and shake your rump
Cause I%26#039;ll be kicking the flavor that makes you wanna Jump
How high? Real high
Cause I%26#039;m just so fly
A young loveable, hugable type of guy
And everything is the back with a little slack
And inside-out is wiggida wiggida wack
I come stompin%26#039; with somethi%26#039; to keep you jumpin
R%26amp;B abd bullcrap is what I%26#039;m dumpin%26#039;
And ain%26#039;t something about Kris Kross we all that
So when they ask to the rocks they believe that
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
I let myself knockin%26#039; knockin%26#039;
I love it when a girl is play jockin%26#039; jockin%26#039;
The D-A-double D-Y-M-A-C
Ya you know me
I got you jumpin%26#039; an%26#039; pumpin%26#039; an%26#039; movin%26#039; all around G
In the mix I make ya take a step back
They try to step to the Mac then they got jacked
To the back you%26#039;ll be sportin%26#039; the gear that%26#039;s coincidental
And like you knowit so don%26#039;t be claiming that it%26#039;s mental
Two lil%26#039; kids with a flow you ain%26#039;t ever heard
And none faking you can understyand every word
As you listen to my cool school melody
The Daddy makes you J-U-M-P
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
Now, the formalities of this and that
Is that Kris Kross ain%26#039;t comin%26#039; off wack
And for all ya%26#039;ll sucks that don%26#039;t know
Check it out
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t Go Go
Cause I%26#039;m the miggida miggida miggida Mac Daddy
Miggida miggida miggida Mac
Cause I%26#039;m the miggida miggida miggida Mac Daddy
I make you wanna
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh (repeat 3 more times)
Believe dat
Reply:Barbie Girl by Aqua.
I%26#039;m a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it%26#039;s fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
...I mean, COME ON.
skin care product reviews
Spring was never waiting for us, girl
It ran one step ahead
As we followed in the dance
Between the parted pages and were pressed,
In love%26#039;s hot, fevered iron
Like a striped pair of pants
MacArthur%26#039;s Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down...
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don%26#039;t think that I can take it
%26#039;cause it took so long to bake it
And I%26#039;ll never have that recipe again
Oh, no!
I recall the yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
On the ground around your knees
The birds, like tender babies in your hands
And the old men playing checkers by the trees
Lyrically speaking, what song%26#039;s chart success defies all logic?
The Macarena
Reply:Without a doubt a Starship song. Most of what the Starship or Jefferson Starship did rocked, but this P.O.S. just blew chunks.
We Built This City
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Say you don%26#039;t know me, or recognize my face
Say you don%26#039;t care who goes to that kind of place
Knee deep in the hoopla, sinking in your fight
Too many runaways eating up the night
Marconi plays La Bamba,
Listen to the radio -
Don%26#039;t you remember?
We built this city,
We built this city on rock an%26#039; roll!
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Someone always playing corporation games
Who cares - they%26#039;re always changing corporation names
We just want to dance here, someone stole the stage
They call us irresponsible, write us off the page
Marconi plays La Bamba,
Listen to the radio -
Don%26#039;t you remember?
We built this city,
We built this city on rock an%26#039; roll!
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
It%26#039;s just another Sunday, in a tired old street
Police have got the choke hold, oh, but we just lost the beat
Who counts the money underneath the bar
Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars
Don%26#039;t tell us you need us, %26#039;cause we%26#039;re the simple fools
Looking for America, crawling through your schools
(I%26#039;m looking out over that Golden Gate bridge
Out on another gorgeous sunny Saturday, I%26#039;m seeing that bumper-to-bumper traffic)
Don%26#039;t you remember? (remember)
(Here%26#039;s your favorite radio station, in your favorite radio city
The city by the bay, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps)
Marconi plays La Bamba,
Listen to the radio -
Don%26#039;t you remember?
We built this city,
We built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
We built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
Built this city, we built this city on rock an%26#039; roll
(We built, we built this city)
Built this city (we built, we built this city)
(Repeat until fade)
Reply:The MMM MMM song
You Light Up My Life- I mean 10 weeks at Number 1?!!!
Henry the 8th
Reply:Like A Rolling Stone.
I still don%26#039;t know what%26#039;s the fuss is all about: cheesy lyrics, terrible voice.
%26quot;How does it feel, to be without a home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone%26quot;
Reply:Right Said Fred...ack.
BTW, the B-52%26#039;s riffed on MacArthur Park in one of their songs...%26quot;your face looks like a cake left in the rain, is your name MacArthur Parker, or is it Reba?%26quot;
Reply:eve of destruction,barry McGuire
Reply:I like your choice...gotta mention %26#039;%26#039;In The Navy%26#039;%26#039; Village People
Reply:Mmmmmm Bopp WTF is that??
Reply:%26quot;A horse With No Name%26quot; by America
Reply:That was one of several awful songs from the 60/70%26#039;s that the nostalgia freaks seem to neglect. Further proof that there is always going to be bad music at any given time. I%26#039;ll cast my vote for anything written by Nickelback, especially Figured You Out.
Reply:any and all Nickleback
all boy bands
but for me the king of crap
Who Let the Dogs Out?
Reply:I think MacArthur park takes the cake!!! I think Kriss Kross %26quot;JUMP%26quot; stank too--14 year old boys as mack daddies? i dont tihnk so, i think thats wiggida wack!!
Jump Jump
You should know, you should know that ahhh
Kris Kross is not having anything today
As we stand there totally krossed out
We commence to make you
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
Don%26#039;t try to compare us to another bad little fad
I%26#039;m the Mac and I%26#039;m bad give you something that you never had
I%26#039;ll make ya Jump Jump wiggle and shake your rump
Cause I%26#039;ll be kicking the flavor that makes you wanna Jump
How high? Real high
Cause I%26#039;m just so fly
A young loveable, hugable type of guy
And everything is the back with a little slack
And inside-out is wiggida wiggida wack
I come stompin%26#039; with somethi%26#039; to keep you jumpin
R%26amp;B abd bullcrap is what I%26#039;m dumpin%26#039;
And ain%26#039;t something about Kris Kross we all that
So when they ask to the rocks they believe that
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
I let myself knockin%26#039; knockin%26#039;
I love it when a girl is play jockin%26#039; jockin%26#039;
The D-A-double D-Y-M-A-C
Ya you know me
I got you jumpin%26#039; an%26#039; pumpin%26#039; an%26#039; movin%26#039; all around G
In the mix I make ya take a step back
They try to step to the Mac then they got jacked
To the back you%26#039;ll be sportin%26#039; the gear that%26#039;s coincidental
And like you knowit so don%26#039;t be claiming that it%26#039;s mental
Two lil%26#039; kids with a flow you ain%26#039;t ever heard
And none faking you can understyand every word
As you listen to my cool school melody
The Daddy makes you J-U-M-P
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
Now, the formalities of this and that
Is that Kris Kross ain%26#039;t comin%26#039; off wack
And for all ya%26#039;ll sucks that don%26#039;t know
Check it out
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t rhyme like this Go Go
Some of them try to rhyme but they can%26#039;t Go Go
Cause I%26#039;m the miggida miggida miggida Mac Daddy
Miggida miggida miggida Mac
Cause I%26#039;m the miggida miggida miggida Mac Daddy
I make you wanna
Jump Jump
The Mac Dad will make you Jump Jump
The Daddy Mac will make you Jump Jump
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
uh huh uh huh (repeat 3 more times)
Believe dat
Reply:Barbie Girl by Aqua.
I%26#039;m a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it%26#039;s fantastic!
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
...I mean, COME ON.
skin care product reviews
Is this safe for my rabbit?
my oak trees are not pesticided or anything but I heard you can only give them fuit branches, do you think it would be safe to give them an oak branch?
Also, is cotton safe for rabbits?
Is this safe for my rabbit?
No oak branches. Yes, untreated apple branches. No fruit branches from trees that have pitted fruit (peach, plum, apricot. Cut out the seeds from apples and only give one slice per day - one treat per day max.
Cotton, no. Give paper grocery bags to hide in and shred, or popsicle sticks to chew. Try soaking them in apple juice and let dry first for an extra yummy treat.
Reply:I have a source at home that tells you everything a rabbit can and cannot eat. It is called: %26quot;The Rabbit Handbook%26quot; by the Barron%26#039;s Pet Guide Company. I bought mine at Barnes %26amp; Noble...but you can also order it on
Good luck with your rabbit!
rabbits eat apple branches and the apple itself oak is very bad for your rabbit
Also, is cotton safe for rabbits?
Is this safe for my rabbit?
No oak branches. Yes, untreated apple branches. No fruit branches from trees that have pitted fruit (peach, plum, apricot. Cut out the seeds from apples and only give one slice per day - one treat per day max.
Cotton, no. Give paper grocery bags to hide in and shred, or popsicle sticks to chew. Try soaking them in apple juice and let dry first for an extra yummy treat.
Reply:I have a source at home that tells you everything a rabbit can and cannot eat. It is called: %26quot;The Rabbit Handbook%26quot; by the Barron%26#039;s Pet Guide Company. I bought mine at Barnes %26amp; Noble...but you can also order it on
Good luck with your rabbit!
rabbits eat apple branches and the apple itself oak is very bad for your rabbit
Poem recently published?
i%26#039;m open to abuse
morning clicked, two seraphim gulls
hid to spring the new soul
on the damp dew of the morning beach.
i curled awake, tempting the morning,
to beckon my cold and dewy frame;
to tease the engulfed pull of the itch
of the cold sea, to my churning, burning
living warmth- to quell it%26#039;s qualms
of the new day breaking.
resisted haystack-cotton lovers arm.
that i a frond wreathed in
a cubicle of frost
hung a breathing weight
from the hilt of the cracked door.
nooked having my roots shift
tall trees and skin sore, sore light.
(doves cooed blunt hymns
from the breast-bolted pane.)
praised like pharoahs
in the coal sieving night!
great hushes bespoke the hingeless,
(frame, rootsripped to wake)
songs, salte and strewn
lie there hung without
while, new leaves grew, mushrooms in the rot,
the ever-sea turned in its blink.
really didn%26#039;t spend as much time as i should of, knowing its copulation arose from intoxication.
Poem recently published?
So I sat here frustrated
Since I came to sh*t
[but only farted.
Reply:It is good, just not great, it needs somthing diffrent to make it stand out, try adding a comicl line at the end that sums it up, then it would be very good and almost great.
at home skin care
morning clicked, two seraphim gulls
hid to spring the new soul
on the damp dew of the morning beach.
i curled awake, tempting the morning,
to beckon my cold and dewy frame;
to tease the engulfed pull of the itch
of the cold sea, to my churning, burning
living warmth- to quell it%26#039;s qualms
of the new day breaking.
resisted haystack-cotton lovers arm.
that i a frond wreathed in
a cubicle of frost
hung a breathing weight
from the hilt of the cracked door.
nooked having my roots shift
tall trees and skin sore, sore light.
(doves cooed blunt hymns
from the breast-bolted pane.)
praised like pharoahs
in the coal sieving night!
great hushes bespoke the hingeless,
(frame, rootsripped to wake)
songs, salte and strewn
lie there hung without
while, new leaves grew, mushrooms in the rot,
the ever-sea turned in its blink.
really didn%26#039;t spend as much time as i should of, knowing its copulation arose from intoxication.
Poem recently published?
So I sat here frustrated
Since I came to sh*t
[but only farted.
Reply:It is good, just not great, it needs somthing diffrent to make it stand out, try adding a comicl line at the end that sums it up, then it would be very good and almost great.
at home skin care
Want to trade?
1) is a secret agent
2) is a tour guide
3) has all beach clothes
4) has accessories such as tiara, viking helmet, scarf, bell, cotton candy, construction hat, tour guide hat, cell phone, pizza, missions medal, party hat, eye patch, trick or treat pumpkin, magnet medal, fire medal, investigation medal, coins for change letter, secret agent letter
5) has pins such as halloween, christmas, space, circus, ping-pong and hairbrush.
6) has backgrounds such as circus, snow, christmas, trees, puffles, loosleaf, smiles, vines, snow fort, bamboo, stars, flowers, bricks, desert, cherry trees and bubbles.
7) 2 puffles.
8) all colors for penguin
9) 53 friends
10)never been blocked or reported :-)
Want to trade?
sorry i would love to but first i emailed u for webkinz and u didnt answer and cause im a member on club penguin so plz email me for the webkinz code plz u promised me.
Reply:I am sorry I don%26#039;t have a Webkinz code.I do have an account with 17 pets that I do not use anymore..if anyone wants it email me.
then to the people who email me,I will make them do a quiz.This is only available to WEBKINZ OWNERS.
Reply:i have a webkinz code for u email me and i have something better
Reply:ok i have lots of things i would tradeIM me
Reply:sorry i don%26#039;t have a code.
1) is a secret agent
2) is a tour guide
3) has all beach clothes
4) has accessories such as tiara, viking helmet, scarf, bell, cotton candy, construction hat, tour guide hat, cell phone, pizza, missions medal, party hat, eye patch, trick or treat pumpkin, magnet medal, fire medal, investigation medal, coins for change letter, secret agent letter
5) has pins such as halloween, christmas, space, circus, ping-pong and hairbrush.
6) has backgrounds such as circus, snow, christmas, trees, puffles, loosleaf, smiles, vines, snow fort, bamboo, stars, flowers, bricks, desert, cherry trees and bubbles.
7) 2 puffles.
8) all colors for penguin
9) 53 friends
10)never been blocked or reported :-)
Want to trade?
sorry i would love to but first i emailed u for webkinz and u didnt answer and cause im a member on club penguin so plz email me for the webkinz code plz u promised me.
Reply:I am sorry I don%26#039;t have a Webkinz code.I do have an account with 17 pets that I do not use anymore..if anyone wants it email me.
then to the people who email me,I will make them do a quiz.This is only available to WEBKINZ OWNERS.
Reply:i have a webkinz code for u email me and i have something better
Reply:ok i have lots of things i would tradeIM me
Reply:sorry i don%26#039;t have a code.
Is it getting tougher to trespass into America?
Guard makes border breachings tougherBy BARBARA BARRETT
McClatchy Newspapers
Army National Guard Spc. Gustavo Gutierrez, 23, of Las Cruces, N.M., scans the U.S./Mexico border from the top of Radar Hill, near Columbus in southwestern New Mexico. He is part of Operation Jump Start.
More photosLOS ALGODONES, Mexico -- Not five minutes after the boatload of migrants slipped across the Colorado River at dusk, the %26quot;dogcatchers%26quot; arrived.
First came U.S. Border Patrol trucks, tearing down a dirt road and cutting their headlights. Then the helicopter with its deafening blades, dipping and circling, casting spotlights across the water and the mountainside, again and again and again.
On the Mexican side, above the town of Los Algodones, Francisco Lopez watched and listened. For a month, he said, he%26#039;s been waiting. He sleeps under the shade of trees, scrounges food. Three times he almost crossed.
%26quot;They%26#039;re here day and night,%26quot; said Lopez, 42, who traveled from the state of Michoacan, hoping to reach New York. %26quot;When I got here, I was surprised to see so much force on the other side.%26quot;
The show of force now includes Operation Jump Start, which President Bush announced in May. About 6,000 National Guard troops are coming to the border, to reinforce the Border Patrol %26quot;perreras%26quot;: dogcatchers.
The deployment is meant to discourage migrants from risking the dash into the United States. The increased security is pushing them into remote areas -- including harsh desert and mountains -- forcing more to use smugglers and leading those who are caught to make repeated attempts that sap their strength and money. Many walk for days with little food or water.
%26quot;Short term, you might see more deaths, because they think they can beat the system,%26quot; said Lt. Col. Randy Powell, the commander of the North Carolina National Guard%26#039;s 252nd Combined Arms Battalion. Over time, he said, the death toll should drop.
The Guard is coming
Word has spread throughout Mexico: The Guard is coming.
%26quot;I read the newspapers,%26quot; said Hector Encinas, 29, who lives in San Luis Rio Colorado, just south of San Luis, Ariz. He used to cross routinely to work in the United States, paying $300 a trip. Now the price is $1,500. He used to help others, but no more.
%26quot;It%26#039;s more hard right now,%26quot; Encinas said, standing in the shade near an opening in the border wall where three Border Patrol trucks were parked. %26quot;They got a fence, more soldiers, more Border Patrol.%26quot;
Of the Guard, he said, %26quot;They%26#039;re cool. They%26#039;re cool.%26quot; He knows the troops aren%26#039;t allowed to make apprehensions, just to call in border agents.
Still, in the more urban Mexican crossing points south of Arizona, something has changed.
In Los Algodones, tucked into the crook of the border with California and Yuma, Ariz., the travelers who hope to sneak across the border -- known as %26quot;pollos,%26quot; or chickens -- gather at dusk in the park.
Fabiola Salazar, 25, figures the smugglers the locals call %26quot;polleros%26quot; -- chicken herders -- make up 30 percent of the summer business at her family%26#039;s grocery. Every morning, the smugglers buy water and food for the journey.
Lately, she said, business is way down.
Dangerous detours
What sends migrants farther out are the images of the National Guard standing watch. The North Carolina Guard troops are scattered in strategic spots along the western half of the Arizona border, including some posts so distant they%26#039;re best reached by helicopter.
Near San Luis, Ariz., the troops work under camouflage nets, setting up observation points every quarter-mile on a levee near the Colorado River, above stretches of dirt and fields of tall, swaying grasses.
The scrutiny is pushing migrants toward a land so vast that travelers can walk three days before crossing a paved road. During heat like last week%26#039;s, with temperatures climbing toward 115 degrees, the migrants can%26#039;t carry enough water.
The Sonoran Desert is littered with their castoffs: empty water bottles, shoes, jackets. The daytime heat is blistering, and only a very brave man would walk the rugged landscape at night, said the Rev. Robin Hoover, the founder of Tucson-based Humane Borders Inc.
Yet people get through. About 60 miles north of the border lay evidence that Hoover thought came from a recent smugglers%26#039; pickup: Two dozen backpacks were discarded among the cactuses. Some held deodorant or unopened tuna cans; Hoover unfolded a scrap of paper with a Florida hotel phone number scrawled across it.
Because more men are staying in the United States, more are sending for their families. More women and children are crossing.
Migrants pass through the cotton and alfalfa fields around Rebeca Moreno%26#039;s store, a quarter-mile from the Colorado River, ignoring the signs warning %26quot;Peligroso!%26quot; -- danger. Pointing across the cotton field, she said in Spanish: %26quot;There is the river. The migrants try to swim across.%26quot;
They%26#039;re caught, sent home and try again.
A man died right there, she said, pointing to a spot in the dirt road.
Is it getting tougher to trespass into America?
We can ONLY PRAY it keeps getting tougher and tougher every day.
Reply:Yes it is getting more difficult. This is a great article, thank you.
It should be even more difficult to get here illegally and am glad our borders are more secure now days.
Reply:I%26#039;m glad it%26#039;s getting harder. That makes me happy.
Reply:My heart weeps for those who have died somebody tell them to please stop trying to cross illegally and for those who have already crossed please let them stay I am one of the NG%26#039;s that guard the borders and that is how I feel
Mi corazón llora para los que han muerto a alguien les digan que
satisfacer la parada que intenta cruzarse ilegal y para los que se han cruzado ya por favor déjelos permanecerme son una del NG que guarden las fronteras y que sean cómo me siento
Reply:Thanks for posting ... good article ... we need more news like this ... :)
Reply:To the rest of the world this preoccupation with the %26#039;illegals%26#039; issue quite amusing. Keep it up. The expressions of hate and the threats of violence are revealing
Reply:Yes it is getting tougher
super nanny
McClatchy Newspapers
Army National Guard Spc. Gustavo Gutierrez, 23, of Las Cruces, N.M., scans the U.S./Mexico border from the top of Radar Hill, near Columbus in southwestern New Mexico. He is part of Operation Jump Start.
More photosLOS ALGODONES, Mexico -- Not five minutes after the boatload of migrants slipped across the Colorado River at dusk, the %26quot;dogcatchers%26quot; arrived.
First came U.S. Border Patrol trucks, tearing down a dirt road and cutting their headlights. Then the helicopter with its deafening blades, dipping and circling, casting spotlights across the water and the mountainside, again and again and again.
On the Mexican side, above the town of Los Algodones, Francisco Lopez watched and listened. For a month, he said, he%26#039;s been waiting. He sleeps under the shade of trees, scrounges food. Three times he almost crossed.
%26quot;They%26#039;re here day and night,%26quot; said Lopez, 42, who traveled from the state of Michoacan, hoping to reach New York. %26quot;When I got here, I was surprised to see so much force on the other side.%26quot;
The show of force now includes Operation Jump Start, which President Bush announced in May. About 6,000 National Guard troops are coming to the border, to reinforce the Border Patrol %26quot;perreras%26quot;: dogcatchers.
The deployment is meant to discourage migrants from risking the dash into the United States. The increased security is pushing them into remote areas -- including harsh desert and mountains -- forcing more to use smugglers and leading those who are caught to make repeated attempts that sap their strength and money. Many walk for days with little food or water.
%26quot;Short term, you might see more deaths, because they think they can beat the system,%26quot; said Lt. Col. Randy Powell, the commander of the North Carolina National Guard%26#039;s 252nd Combined Arms Battalion. Over time, he said, the death toll should drop.
The Guard is coming
Word has spread throughout Mexico: The Guard is coming.
%26quot;I read the newspapers,%26quot; said Hector Encinas, 29, who lives in San Luis Rio Colorado, just south of San Luis, Ariz. He used to cross routinely to work in the United States, paying $300 a trip. Now the price is $1,500. He used to help others, but no more.
%26quot;It%26#039;s more hard right now,%26quot; Encinas said, standing in the shade near an opening in the border wall where three Border Patrol trucks were parked. %26quot;They got a fence, more soldiers, more Border Patrol.%26quot;
Of the Guard, he said, %26quot;They%26#039;re cool. They%26#039;re cool.%26quot; He knows the troops aren%26#039;t allowed to make apprehensions, just to call in border agents.
Still, in the more urban Mexican crossing points south of Arizona, something has changed.
In Los Algodones, tucked into the crook of the border with California and Yuma, Ariz., the travelers who hope to sneak across the border -- known as %26quot;pollos,%26quot; or chickens -- gather at dusk in the park.
Fabiola Salazar, 25, figures the smugglers the locals call %26quot;polleros%26quot; -- chicken herders -- make up 30 percent of the summer business at her family%26#039;s grocery. Every morning, the smugglers buy water and food for the journey.
Lately, she said, business is way down.
Dangerous detours
What sends migrants farther out are the images of the National Guard standing watch. The North Carolina Guard troops are scattered in strategic spots along the western half of the Arizona border, including some posts so distant they%26#039;re best reached by helicopter.
Near San Luis, Ariz., the troops work under camouflage nets, setting up observation points every quarter-mile on a levee near the Colorado River, above stretches of dirt and fields of tall, swaying grasses.
The scrutiny is pushing migrants toward a land so vast that travelers can walk three days before crossing a paved road. During heat like last week%26#039;s, with temperatures climbing toward 115 degrees, the migrants can%26#039;t carry enough water.
The Sonoran Desert is littered with their castoffs: empty water bottles, shoes, jackets. The daytime heat is blistering, and only a very brave man would walk the rugged landscape at night, said the Rev. Robin Hoover, the founder of Tucson-based Humane Borders Inc.
Yet people get through. About 60 miles north of the border lay evidence that Hoover thought came from a recent smugglers%26#039; pickup: Two dozen backpacks were discarded among the cactuses. Some held deodorant or unopened tuna cans; Hoover unfolded a scrap of paper with a Florida hotel phone number scrawled across it.
Because more men are staying in the United States, more are sending for their families. More women and children are crossing.
Migrants pass through the cotton and alfalfa fields around Rebeca Moreno%26#039;s store, a quarter-mile from the Colorado River, ignoring the signs warning %26quot;Peligroso!%26quot; -- danger. Pointing across the cotton field, she said in Spanish: %26quot;There is the river. The migrants try to swim across.%26quot;
They%26#039;re caught, sent home and try again.
A man died right there, she said, pointing to a spot in the dirt road.
Is it getting tougher to trespass into America?
We can ONLY PRAY it keeps getting tougher and tougher every day.
Reply:Yes it is getting more difficult. This is a great article, thank you.
It should be even more difficult to get here illegally and am glad our borders are more secure now days.
Reply:I%26#039;m glad it%26#039;s getting harder. That makes me happy.
Reply:My heart weeps for those who have died somebody tell them to please stop trying to cross illegally and for those who have already crossed please let them stay I am one of the NG%26#039;s that guard the borders and that is how I feel
Mi corazón llora para los que han muerto a alguien les digan que
satisfacer la parada que intenta cruzarse ilegal y para los que se han cruzado ya por favor déjelos permanecerme son una del NG que guarden las fronteras y que sean cómo me siento
Reply:Thanks for posting ... good article ... we need more news like this ... :)
Reply:To the rest of the world this preoccupation with the %26#039;illegals%26#039; issue quite amusing. Keep it up. The expressions of hate and the threats of violence are revealing
Reply:Yes it is getting tougher
super nanny
Does anyone know the answer to this poem thing? THANK YOU?
Emma is odd but not peculiar. She hates arguments and is agreeable. She dates a programmer but loathes systems analysts. She would like to get married but dsnt know which month to do so. She narrowed it to summer or fall because spring and winter. She is sure to enjoy her wedding but not her reception. Emmas little cottage has three rooms. She likes the walls and floors but not the ceilings. She likes the doors but not the windows. She sleeps on cotton sheets and a pillowcases because she hates linen and silk. She likes dogwood trees and thier smallblossoms but dislikes flowers. Her favorite colors are yellow and green; she dosnt care for yellow and red. She wears dresses instead of blouses and skirts. Her hair is, of course, brunette. Emma has a tradmill but dosnt like to exercise. Shes chubby but not plump. She loves the wilderness but hates camping. She enjoys cooking but stays out of the kitchen. She lijkes books but not magazines. Does emma prefer alligators or crocodile? explain
Does anyone know the answer to this poem thing? THANK YOU?
She likes anything with double letters.
Reply:she prefers alligators bercause it has the letter L twice
faLL get it
Reply:alligators cos they have double letters
she likes swimming but she doesn%26#039;t like to swim...what?
Reply:she likes things with double letters!!the colors are messed up!
Reply:alligators %26#039;cos of the double L ?
double m in Emma?
double e in agreeable?
double m in programmer ? etc etc
Reply:Emma seems to like smaller simpler things so I will go with the crock
Reply:alligators......she only likes things with double letters
Reply:um crocodiles cos they yellow and green.
dry skin care
Does anyone know the answer to this poem thing? THANK YOU?
She likes anything with double letters.
Reply:she prefers alligators bercause it has the letter L twice
faLL get it
Reply:alligators cos they have double letters
she likes swimming but she doesn%26#039;t like to swim...what?
Reply:she likes things with double letters!!the colors are messed up!
Reply:alligators %26#039;cos of the double L ?
double m in Emma?
double e in agreeable?
double m in programmer ? etc etc
Reply:Emma seems to like smaller simpler things so I will go with the crock
Reply:alligators......she only likes things with double letters
Reply:um crocodiles cos they yellow and green.
dry skin care
Does the sentence make sense? If not how can I word it to make sense?
The broccoli like trees stand tall in the distance, while holding their shape; as the soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Does the sentence make sense? If not how can I word it to make sense?
The trees stand tall in the distance, their shape reminiscent of uncooked broccoli, holding their shape as soft clouds float blissfully through the rich, blue sky like delicate wisps of cotton candy.
Honestly, I think there%26#039;s got to be a better way to describe the trees than *broccoli*, but if that is the comparison you want to use... that%26#039;s your prerogative.
Reply:put a comma after broccoli and after trees but not after distance and take out the semi colon after shape.
That%26#039;s how I would write it I think.
Reply:You don%26#039;t need that semicolon there for one thing. You also need a hyphen between broccoli and like, because otherwise it sounds like you%26#039;re talking about broccoli that%26#039;s like trees, instead of trees that are like broccoli.
Reply:The broccoli, like trees, stand tall in the distance as the soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Reply:The broccoli stands like a tall tree in the distance, whilst still holding its shape; as the soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Reply:The broccoli stands tall like trees in the distance, holding their shape as soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Reply:No. The sentence does not make sense and it seems that very many people have never learned how to write a grammatically correct sentence.
Are you describing broccoli or broccoli-like trees?
%26quot;holding their shape %26quot;is meaningless verbiage.
The semicolon usage is incorrect.
The use of adjectives and metaphors in the second part of the sentence are good if you are writing bad poetry.
The broccoli-like trees stand tall in the distance against a rich blue sky across. Cottony clouds float.
Reply:It%26#039;s pretty sensible, just need to fix the commas:
%26quot;The broccoli-like trees stand tall in the distance while holding their shape, as the soft, cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.%26quot;
Or %26quot;rich, blue sky%26quot; depending on if you mean the sky is both rich and blue, or the sky is a rich blue.
Edit: Ohhh, the trees are like broccoli and not the other way around. Heehee.
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Does the sentence make sense? If not how can I word it to make sense?
The trees stand tall in the distance, their shape reminiscent of uncooked broccoli, holding their shape as soft clouds float blissfully through the rich, blue sky like delicate wisps of cotton candy.
Honestly, I think there%26#039;s got to be a better way to describe the trees than *broccoli*, but if that is the comparison you want to use... that%26#039;s your prerogative.
Reply:put a comma after broccoli and after trees but not after distance and take out the semi colon after shape.
That%26#039;s how I would write it I think.
Reply:You don%26#039;t need that semicolon there for one thing. You also need a hyphen between broccoli and like, because otherwise it sounds like you%26#039;re talking about broccoli that%26#039;s like trees, instead of trees that are like broccoli.
Reply:The broccoli, like trees, stand tall in the distance as the soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Reply:The broccoli stands like a tall tree in the distance, whilst still holding its shape; as the soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Reply:The broccoli stands tall like trees in the distance, holding their shape as soft cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.
Reply:No. The sentence does not make sense and it seems that very many people have never learned how to write a grammatically correct sentence.
Are you describing broccoli or broccoli-like trees?
%26quot;holding their shape %26quot;is meaningless verbiage.
The semicolon usage is incorrect.
The use of adjectives and metaphors in the second part of the sentence are good if you are writing bad poetry.
The broccoli-like trees stand tall in the distance against a rich blue sky across. Cottony clouds float.
Reply:It%26#039;s pretty sensible, just need to fix the commas:
%26quot;The broccoli-like trees stand tall in the distance while holding their shape, as the soft, cotton candy clouds float blissfully through the rich blue sky.%26quot;
Or %26quot;rich, blue sky%26quot; depending on if you mean the sky is both rich and blue, or the sky is a rich blue.
Edit: Ohhh, the trees are like broccoli and not the other way around. Heehee.
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Baby Birds?
This afternoon I was walking in a hot contreted area when I noticed a dead baby bird on the ground (it had obviously been stood on as it was crushed and expelling entrails) and nearby was another dead baby bird. These two had been there quite a while, though neither seemed to have been mauled or attacked by an animal. There were absolutely no trees nearby or rafters with nests so I couldn%26#039;t imagine where they had come from. Anyway! There was one more bird there, and this one was still breathing. I picked it up with a leaf and walked home with it, where I put it into a small plastic Tupperware-type container lined with cotton wool and also nestled him into cotton wool. He started chirping and I filled a syringe with water which I dripped into his mouth, and I caught a tiny green grasshopper and a little moth as well. I mashed the bugs up with some water and he gobbled these down, and now he%26#039;s sleeping in amongst the cotton wool. Am I doing this right? And what else should I be doing?
Baby Birds?
I am not sure if you baby is still alive but I though I would answer anyway, I am also not sure where you are. Generally all of the U.S. birds have finished their breeding cycle for the year with the exception of pigeons. Being that I am not sure what kind of bird you have I can%26#039;t give you advise on what to feed (not all birds eat insects) I can however tell you that you need to keep your baby warm. When babies are that small (naked with eyes closed) they can%26#039;t regulate their own temperature, meaning that they are completely reliant on their parents for heat. Take the cotton out of the bowl and line it (in a nest shape) with a terry cloth rag (in the plastic bowl). Take a heating pad set it on low and place the bowl, rag, and baby on the heat pad. Watch carefully to make sure the baby is not over heating. He will begin to pant and stretch out his neck to try and cool down. If the baby is overheating add a layer of towel under the bowl. If all you have is a how water bottle you will need to monitor it and may need to change out the water every 15-30 minutes. If the water cools they baby cools with it, a heat pad is always better because it is a constant heat source. Their average temp is 99-102 degrease. DO NOT FEED a baby when it is cold you can kill it. Never give a baby water, you risk aspiration.
Here is a link that should help you find a wildlife rehabber. The are trained in caring for wildlife,
The most important thing at this point is keeping the baby warm. Without heat provided the baby will not make it. If you contact a rehabber and you are not able to get the bird to them right away, they may tell you what you can temporarily feed it.
Reply:You%26#039;re doing about all you can. Use warm (about 95F) water only. Remember you%26#039;ll have to feed the bird about once per hour for 14 - 16 hours per day. You%26#039;ll have to do this for several weeks, maybe as much as a month. If the bird survives you%26#039;ll be lucky. You might also try giving the bird a tiny drop of liquid vitamins/minerals once per day. Liquid vitamins are available at pharmacies. If the bird survives long enough to open its eyes, it will see you as %26quot;mother%26quot;. It%26#039;s called Imprinting. For more on Imprinting see the folks at a local pet shop that sells birds. They may also have more advice on raising wild birds.
Good Luck to you and the baby bird.
Reply:my father rescued birds all his life and here is what he fed our starling and jackdow (russian crow-like bird). these are birds that eat BOTH seeds and insects, not birds like pigeons and parrots that eat only seeds, and not birds that eat only insects. it disagrees with babies a little but they live through it. our starling lived 17 years.
boiled egg yolk, mashed
dried bread crumbs
this stuff turned into a yellow sticky stuff with milk
some bird vitamins dripped into it
some ground egg shell into poweder for calcium
into this we would put whatever we were eating, ground up, such as veggies or ground beef (cooked rare) or chicken. my dad would give the babies more meat.
in addition, any insects we caught would be given them, and you can also get some meal worms or stuff like that from a bait shop.
both birds new the word %26quot;bug%26quot; in russian and came running with their mouths open whenever we had one for them!
being russian, my dad is used to taking matters into his own hands. with our cockatiel, we do the modern thing and feed it harrison%26#039;s pellets and take it to the vet and stuff like that. but with these non-parrot birds, my dad%26#039;s approach might be the only one available.
i%26#039;m not sure what kind of bird it is. you should find out if it is insect-only (which are pain in the ... to feed) or if it is like a starling or sparrow and can eat the stuff i said above.
Reply:My comment is you are a good kind person.
Not many would be as heartful and compassionate as you.
The 1st ans. is good,.. contact a bird rescue org. or wildlife rescue sanctuary, they%26#039;d advise you.
Seems you are meant to %26quot;doctor%26quot; critters.
Best of luck.
Reply:Are you in the prairie at all? There are many species of birds who nest on the ground. It sounds like you are doing a good job with the live chick but I do think it is illegal to raise wildlife ( I think, I%26#039;m not sure ). I would try and find a local wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible and give the chick to him/her. They would know what is best for the poor little guy! I%26#039;m glad you rescued it!!
Reply:You can feed him baby food,too.I would include some Birdie Charcoal while I was at it,just a very small amount to aid digestion.Have you found out what kind of Bird it is?Can you show us a pic?Anyway,I think you are doing fine,but I also think you should try to find out what kind of Birdie he is to give him the proper diet.This way,you will also know for sure if you having him is illegal,(although I know of someone who rescued a Baby Starling this way,and he talks his a** off now!)Some Birds need bugs as a regular course in their diet,and some will do fine on baby food meat,veggies,and fruits.Good Luck.And by the way,AWWWWWW!!!!
Reply:You%26#039;re doing just fine - I%26#039;m thankful that you saved this baby bird. Who knows what it could be!
Keep it in a warm place. You can also mash up fruits and veggies. (Like baked sweet potato) and feed that to him. blog
Baby Birds?
I am not sure if you baby is still alive but I though I would answer anyway, I am also not sure where you are. Generally all of the U.S. birds have finished their breeding cycle for the year with the exception of pigeons. Being that I am not sure what kind of bird you have I can%26#039;t give you advise on what to feed (not all birds eat insects) I can however tell you that you need to keep your baby warm. When babies are that small (naked with eyes closed) they can%26#039;t regulate their own temperature, meaning that they are completely reliant on their parents for heat. Take the cotton out of the bowl and line it (in a nest shape) with a terry cloth rag (in the plastic bowl). Take a heating pad set it on low and place the bowl, rag, and baby on the heat pad. Watch carefully to make sure the baby is not over heating. He will begin to pant and stretch out his neck to try and cool down. If the baby is overheating add a layer of towel under the bowl. If all you have is a how water bottle you will need to monitor it and may need to change out the water every 15-30 minutes. If the water cools they baby cools with it, a heat pad is always better because it is a constant heat source. Their average temp is 99-102 degrease. DO NOT FEED a baby when it is cold you can kill it. Never give a baby water, you risk aspiration.
Here is a link that should help you find a wildlife rehabber. The are trained in caring for wildlife,
The most important thing at this point is keeping the baby warm. Without heat provided the baby will not make it. If you contact a rehabber and you are not able to get the bird to them right away, they may tell you what you can temporarily feed it.
Reply:You%26#039;re doing about all you can. Use warm (about 95F) water only. Remember you%26#039;ll have to feed the bird about once per hour for 14 - 16 hours per day. You%26#039;ll have to do this for several weeks, maybe as much as a month. If the bird survives you%26#039;ll be lucky. You might also try giving the bird a tiny drop of liquid vitamins/minerals once per day. Liquid vitamins are available at pharmacies. If the bird survives long enough to open its eyes, it will see you as %26quot;mother%26quot;. It%26#039;s called Imprinting. For more on Imprinting see the folks at a local pet shop that sells birds. They may also have more advice on raising wild birds.
Good Luck to you and the baby bird.
Reply:my father rescued birds all his life and here is what he fed our starling and jackdow (russian crow-like bird). these are birds that eat BOTH seeds and insects, not birds like pigeons and parrots that eat only seeds, and not birds that eat only insects. it disagrees with babies a little but they live through it. our starling lived 17 years.
boiled egg yolk, mashed
dried bread crumbs
this stuff turned into a yellow sticky stuff with milk
some bird vitamins dripped into it
some ground egg shell into poweder for calcium
into this we would put whatever we were eating, ground up, such as veggies or ground beef (cooked rare) or chicken. my dad would give the babies more meat.
in addition, any insects we caught would be given them, and you can also get some meal worms or stuff like that from a bait shop.
both birds new the word %26quot;bug%26quot; in russian and came running with their mouths open whenever we had one for them!
being russian, my dad is used to taking matters into his own hands. with our cockatiel, we do the modern thing and feed it harrison%26#039;s pellets and take it to the vet and stuff like that. but with these non-parrot birds, my dad%26#039;s approach might be the only one available.
i%26#039;m not sure what kind of bird it is. you should find out if it is insect-only (which are pain in the ... to feed) or if it is like a starling or sparrow and can eat the stuff i said above.
Reply:My comment is you are a good kind person.
Not many would be as heartful and compassionate as you.
The 1st ans. is good,.. contact a bird rescue org. or wildlife rescue sanctuary, they%26#039;d advise you.
Seems you are meant to %26quot;doctor%26quot; critters.
Best of luck.
Reply:Are you in the prairie at all? There are many species of birds who nest on the ground. It sounds like you are doing a good job with the live chick but I do think it is illegal to raise wildlife ( I think, I%26#039;m not sure ). I would try and find a local wildlife rehabilitator as soon as possible and give the chick to him/her. They would know what is best for the poor little guy! I%26#039;m glad you rescued it!!
Reply:You can feed him baby food,too.I would include some Birdie Charcoal while I was at it,just a very small amount to aid digestion.Have you found out what kind of Bird it is?Can you show us a pic?Anyway,I think you are doing fine,but I also think you should try to find out what kind of Birdie he is to give him the proper diet.This way,you will also know for sure if you having him is illegal,(although I know of someone who rescued a Baby Starling this way,and he talks his a** off now!)Some Birds need bugs as a regular course in their diet,and some will do fine on baby food meat,veggies,and fruits.Good Luck.And by the way,AWWWWWW!!!!
Reply:You%26#039;re doing just fine - I%26#039;m thankful that you saved this baby bird. Who knows what it could be!
Keep it in a warm place. You can also mash up fruits and veggies. (Like baked sweet potato) and feed that to him. blog
I am planning a birthday party for my friend, and she wants the theme to be a winter carnival?
She is turning 13 years old. We already have a sno cone machine, a cotton candy machine, and a chocolite fountain. We are going to have christmas trees, snow flakes everywhere, and a snowman backround in the party room. She doesn%26#039;t want to have any activities there, she just wants to let them have fun, talk, and dance!! Have any ideas on what to do for food and decorations??
I am planning a birthday party for my friend, and she wants the theme to be a winter carnival?
That%26#039;s really an awesome party idea...I never would%26#039;ve thought of it. I have ideas for food items.
Take some squash (any kind) and make slices (size of potato wedges or french fries), dip in flour, then egg, then seasoned flour. Fry in oil until browned on both sides and tender inside. (if kids don%26#039;t like squash, use potatoes instead)
Serve a nice warm soup in a pumpkin (inards scooped out as in for carving) that you have baked, coated in butter and salt, for 45 min - 1 hr. A good harty stew or chowder would be excellent. You can ladle the soup out and into individual bread bowls, or hollowed out acorn squashes.
Or maybe chili bowls....
make your chili. Make cheesy biscuit dough (they sell in pre-mixed packets)and spread over bottom side of muffin tins to make mini bowls. Bake them and serve chili inside these biscuit bowls and sprinkle cheese on top.
As for decorations, you pretty much have it covered, but I would suggest laying blankets on ground here and there for sitting to eat picnic-style. Or maybe some park benches or picnic tables.
You have a great time and Happy b-day to the 13 yr old...
Reply:Wow, sounds like you%26#039;ve done so well on your own there, thats sounds like such a fun party idea, and what you%26#039;ve come up with so far. Best of Luck.....
Reply:Wonderful ideas already. You could add a fog machine and Christmas lights would look nice on the ceiling or running down the middle of a table. Use snowflake confetti and jingle bells. Use lots of silvers and blues in the room.
Here are some great ideas from kidspartyfun:
soup, stew or chili
gingerbread cookies
snowball cupcakes (vanilla icing covered with shredded coconut(coconut tastes much better if toasted first))
hot chocolate
(apple cider)
white styrofoam balls (you could make your own with crumpled newspaper wrapped in tape and spray painted white)
white, blue, and silver streamers
Reply:All foods cold: cold cuts, macaroni salad, potato salad, finger foods, tiny cubed sandwiches, cold soda, celery, carrot sticks with dip. Decorations: Ice carved statue, streamers, balloons.
Reply:let me think get fake ice and go ice skating
Reply:It sounds like you already have a lot of decorations!
If you%26#039;d want more, try finding table cloths with snowflakes on them, hang snowflake decorations from the ceiling, %26amp; hang dark %26amp; light blue crepe paper decoratively around the room, stuff like that! You don%26#039;t want the place to look TOO overbearing tho...
Reply:well u might not know how to make it but i think that u should make a winter roast and decorations winter crap
Reply:have an eggnog drinking contest I dont know
I am planning a birthday party for my friend, and she wants the theme to be a winter carnival?
That%26#039;s really an awesome party idea...I never would%26#039;ve thought of it. I have ideas for food items.
Take some squash (any kind) and make slices (size of potato wedges or french fries), dip in flour, then egg, then seasoned flour. Fry in oil until browned on both sides and tender inside. (if kids don%26#039;t like squash, use potatoes instead)
Serve a nice warm soup in a pumpkin (inards scooped out as in for carving) that you have baked, coated in butter and salt, for 45 min - 1 hr. A good harty stew or chowder would be excellent. You can ladle the soup out and into individual bread bowls, or hollowed out acorn squashes.
Or maybe chili bowls....
make your chili. Make cheesy biscuit dough (they sell in pre-mixed packets)and spread over bottom side of muffin tins to make mini bowls. Bake them and serve chili inside these biscuit bowls and sprinkle cheese on top.
As for decorations, you pretty much have it covered, but I would suggest laying blankets on ground here and there for sitting to eat picnic-style. Or maybe some park benches or picnic tables.
You have a great time and Happy b-day to the 13 yr old...
Reply:Wow, sounds like you%26#039;ve done so well on your own there, thats sounds like such a fun party idea, and what you%26#039;ve come up with so far. Best of Luck.....
Reply:Wonderful ideas already. You could add a fog machine and Christmas lights would look nice on the ceiling or running down the middle of a table. Use snowflake confetti and jingle bells. Use lots of silvers and blues in the room.
Here are some great ideas from kidspartyfun:
soup, stew or chili
gingerbread cookies
snowball cupcakes (vanilla icing covered with shredded coconut(coconut tastes much better if toasted first))
hot chocolate
(apple cider)
white styrofoam balls (you could make your own with crumpled newspaper wrapped in tape and spray painted white)
white, blue, and silver streamers
Reply:All foods cold: cold cuts, macaroni salad, potato salad, finger foods, tiny cubed sandwiches, cold soda, celery, carrot sticks with dip. Decorations: Ice carved statue, streamers, balloons.
Reply:let me think get fake ice and go ice skating
Reply:It sounds like you already have a lot of decorations!
If you%26#039;d want more, try finding table cloths with snowflakes on them, hang snowflake decorations from the ceiling, %26amp; hang dark %26amp; light blue crepe paper decoratively around the room, stuff like that! You don%26#039;t want the place to look TOO overbearing tho...
Reply:well u might not know how to make it but i think that u should make a winter roast and decorations winter crap
Reply:have an eggnog drinking contest I dont know
Do you think marijuana should be legal ? read the history before you ansewer plz, i know its long but its goo?
(i know it’s long but its good information)
The Marijuana Conspiracy
by Doug Yurchey
And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land.
— Ezekiel 34/29
The real reason Cannabis has been outlawed has nothing to do with its effects on the mind and body.
MARIJUANA is DANGEROUS. Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people.
The truth is if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not been educated on the product potential of pot. The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about an extremely versatile plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.
Where did the word %26#039;marijuana%26#039; come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:
* All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.
* It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1800s; LA Times, Aug. 12, 1981.
* REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.
* George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.
* Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England; Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer.
* For thousands of years, 90f all ships%26#039; sails and rope were made from hemp. The word %26#039;canvas%26#039; is Dutch for cannabis; Webster’s New World Dictionary.
* 80f all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin.
* The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives.
* The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century; State Archives.
* Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.
* Rembrants, Gainsboroughs, Van Goghs as well as most early canvas paintings were principally painted on hemp linen.
* In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs; Department of Agriculture
* Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935; Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.
* Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, %26#039;grown from the soil,%26#039; had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941.
* Hemp called %26#039;Billion Dollar Crop.%26#039; It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars; Popular Mechanics, Feb., 1938.
* Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled %26#039;The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.%26#039; It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing %26#039;patriotic American farmers%26#039; to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:
%26#039;...(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable...
...Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese...American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries...
...the Navy’s rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!%26#039;
Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film %26#039;Hemp for Victory%26#039; did not exist.
Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment. The USDA Bulletin ..404 concluded that hemp produces 4 times as much pulp with at least 4 to 7 times less pollution. From Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938:
%26#039;It has a short growing season...It can be grown in any state...The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds.
...hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.%26#039;
In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.
William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst’s grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.
In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont’s Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80f Dupont’s business.
Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont’s primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: %26#039;marihuana%26#039; and pushed it into the consciousness of America.
A media blitz of %26#039;yellow journalism%26#039; raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst’s newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marihuana. The menace of marihuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality.
Films like %26#039;Reefer Madness%26#039; (1936), %26#039;Marihuana: Assassin of Youth%26#039; (1935) and %26#039;Marihuana: The Devil’s Weed%26#039; (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marihuana laws could be passed.
Examine the following quotes from %26#039;The Burning Question%26#039; aka REEFER MADNESS:
a violent narcotic.
acts of shocking violence.
incurable insanity.
soul-destroying effects.
under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an ax.
more vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marihuana!
Reefer Madness did not end with the usual %26#039;the end.%26#039; The film concluded with these words plastered on the screen: TELL YOUR CHILDREN.
In the 1930s, people were very naive; even to the point of ignorance. The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power. They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true. They told their children and their children grew up to be the parents of the baby-boomers.
On April 14, 1937, the Prohibitive Marihuana Tax Law or the bill that outlawed hemp was directly brought to the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee is the only one that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees. The Chairman of the Ways and Means, Robert Doughton, was a Dupont supporter. He insured that the bill would pass Congress.
Dr. James Woodward, a physician and attorney, testified too late on behalf of the American Medical Association. He told the committee that the reason the AMA had not denounced the Marihuana Tax Law sooner was that the Association had just discovered that marihuana was hemp.
Few people, at the time, realized that the deadly menace they had been reading about on Hearst’s front pages was in fact passive hemp. The AMA understood cannabis to be a MEDICINE found in numerous healing products sold over the last hundred years.
In September of 1937, hemp became illegal. The most useful crop known became a drug and our planet has been suffering ever since.
Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known. Anslinger, head of the Drug Commission for 31 years, promoted the idea that marihuana made users act extremely violent. In the 1950s, under the Communist threat of McCarthyism, Anslinger now said the exact opposite. Marijuana will pacify you so much that soldiers would not want to fight.
Today, our planet is in desperate trouble. Earth is suffocating as large tracts of rain forests disappear. Pollution, poisons and chemicals are killing people. These great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp. Natural biomass could provide all of the planet’s energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels. We have consumed 80f our oil and gas reserves. We need a renewable resource. Hemp could be the solution to soaring gas prices.
Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber. Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees. Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable. The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime.
ALL PLASTIC PRODUCTS SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP SEED OIL. Hempen plastics are biodegradable! Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment. Oil-based plastics, the ones we are very familiar with, help ruin nature; they do not break down and will do great harm in the future. The process to produce the vast array of natural (hempen) plastics will not ruin the rivers as Dupont and other petrochemical companies have done. Ecology does not fit in with the plans of the Oil Industry and the political machine. Hemp products are safe and natural.
MEDICINES SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP. We should go back to the days when the AMA supported cannabis cures. %26#039;Medical Marijuana%26#039; is given out legally to only a handful of people while the rest of us are forced into a system that relies on chemicals. Pot is only healthy for the human body.
WORLD HUNGER COULD END. A large variety of food products can be generated from hemp. The seeds contain one of the highest sources of protein in nature. ALSO: They have two essential fatty acids that clean your body of cholesterol. These essential fatty acids are not found anywhere else in nature! Consuming pot seeds is the best thing you could do for your body. Eat uncooked hemp seeds.
CLOTHES SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP. Hemp clothing is extremely strong and durable over time. You could hand clothing, made from pot, down to your grandchildren. Today, there are American companies that make hemp clothing; usually 50emp. Hemp fabrics should be everywhere. Instead, they are almost underground. Superior hemp products are not allowed to advertise on fascist television. Kentucky, once the top hemp producing state, made it ILLEGAL TO WEAR hemp clothing! Can you imagine being thrown into jail for wearing quality jeans?
The world is crazy...but that does not mean you have to join the insanity. Get together. Spread the news. Tell people, and that includes your children, the truth. Use hemp products. Eliminate the word %26#039;marijuana.%26#039; Realize the history that created it. Make it politically incorrect to say or print the M-word. Fight against the propaganda (designed to favor the agenda of the super rich) and the bullshit. Hemp must be utilized in the future. We need a clean energy source to save our planet. INDUSTRIALIZE HEMP!
The liquor, tobacco and oil companies fund more than a million dollars a day to Partnership for a Drug-Free America and other similar agencies. We have all seen their commercials. Now, their motto is: It’s more dangerous than we thought. Lies from the powerful corporations, that began with Hearst, are still alive and well today.
The brainwashing continues. Now, the commercials say: If you buy a joint, you contribute to murders and gang wars. The latest anti-pot commercials say: If you buy a are promoting TERRORISM! The new enemy (terrorism) has paved the road to brainwash you any way THEY see fit.
There is only one enemy; the friendly people you pay your taxes to; the war-makers and nature destroyers. With your funding, they are killing the world right in front of your eyes. HALF A MILLION DEATHS EACH YEAR ARE CAUSED BY TOBACCO. HALF A MILLION DEATHS EACH YEAR ARE CAUSED BY ALCOHOL. NO ONE HAS EVER, EVER DIED FROM SMOKING POT!! In the entire history of the human race, not one death can be attributed to cannabis. Our society has outlawed grass but condones the use of the KILLERS: TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. Hemp should be declassified and placed in DRUG stores to relieve stress. Hardening and constriction of the arteries are bad; but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries...which is a healthy condition. We have been so conditioned to think that: Smoking is harmful. That is NOT the case for passive pot.
Ingesting THC, hemp’s active agent, has a positive effect; relieving asthma and glaucoma. A joint tends to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You are able to eat on hemp. This is a healthy state of being.
The stereotype for a pothead is similar to a drunk, bubble-brain. Yet, the truth is ones creative abilities can be enhanced under its influence. The perception of time slightly slows and one can become more sensitive. You can more appreciate all arts; be closer to nature and generally FEEL more under the influence of cannabis. It is, in fact, the exact opposite state of mind and body as the drunken state. You can be more aware with pot.
The pot plant is an ALIEN plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. The hemp plant has an intense sexuallity. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females. Yes, folks...the most potent pot comes from %26#039;horny females.%26#039;
The reason this amazing, very sophisticated, ET plant from the future is illegal has nothing to do with how it physically affects us..
Do you think marijuana should be legal ? read the history before you ansewer plz, i know its long but its goo?
Yes it should be legalised. That is my personal opinion. I enjoy cannabis daily and have done for 15 years. There are many arguaments for and against but ultimately i don%26#039;t think the fact that it is illegal has much effect on most people. Some say it is a gateway drug and leads on to harder drugs, well if that is true the main reason is because alot of people have to go to a drug dealer to buy it, therefore coming in to contact with other drugs and being put in a position where they will be offered something else. Personally i think alcohol is a far more dangerous and damaging drug than cannabis. Alcohol puts enormous strain on the police and nhs services, costs the country untold amounts of money, before you even consider the price the families of alcoholics have to pay. Alcohol impairs judgement and in general makes people more aggressive and violent, Cannabis on the other hand has the opposite effect, making people more calm and relaxed. I too have seen Reefer Madness and cannot believe that people were supposed to believe that rubbish, it makes you wonder how many other lies people swallow under the banner of %26#039;information%26#039;. Anyone who has smoked cannabis or knows anyone that has will easily be able to see that this film is far from the truth, and is laughable. The trouble is most people do believe what they are told because they are too lazy to find out about things for themselves.
I think it is a crying shame that the world is denied all the positive things that could come from this plant because of money and control.
Reply:Oh my gracious this is how far the brainwashing has gone.
Folks, it%26#039;s time we stopped messing around - smoking, ANY kind of smoking, is BAD for your health. Pot is no exception, and no better a substitution for tobacco than any drug. Report It
Reply:You%26#039;ve seen the pictures, heard the lectures in school (hopefully). Smoking kills, its smoke contains carcinogenic elements, it causes deterioration of mental facilities. Sure, you might not die from a pot overdose, but you can bet on your health taking a dive. Report It
Reply:Pot might have therapeutic, medicinal uses, but that alone doesn%26#039;t sanction its legalization. Medicine is good...under the right circumstances. Cancer patients aside, I sure as heck don%26#039;t see anybody begging for radiation treatments. Why pot then? Report It
Reply:Simple. %26#039;Cause we ENJOY it. Alcohol and tobacco have progressed as a commercial industry beyond the point of recall. Report It
Reply:If it weren%26#039;t for the impossibility of a total prohibition on both in the near future, not to mention the profits turned by such companies, you can bet that both would be made illegal in a second. That%26#039;s why pointing the two are invalid comparisons with pot. Report It
Reply:Every year, perhaps billions of dollars are being thrown away to keep smokers and sufferers of secondhand smoke in hospitals. OTHER PEOPLE SHOULDN%26#039;T HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR DECISIONS. Report It
Reply:Don%26#039;t smoke pot; heck, don%26#039;t smoke anything. What%26#039;s wrong with a drug-free life, anyway? Nothing.
Einstein didn%26#039;t smoke pot, y%26#039;know. Neither did Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Thomas Hardy, and a score of other equally talented writers or artists. Report It
Reply:I think that takes care of your creativity problem. Report It
Reply:By the way, the long, long %26quot;history of marijuana%26quot; by the asker? Have you noticed that its best points as an argument defends HEMP, not pot as a drug? Believe me; I%26#039;ve got no problem with hemp. Just pot. MARIJUANA. Report It
Reply:I do not believe that the medical community should be using marijuana to treat patients legally. Report It
Reply:it should only be legalized to manufacturers to create products or so forth. But legalizing it to people in general, NO! plus why smoke? smoking is still bad for you. And yes marijuana does have some bad site effects as well, just cant be talking about the positives only. Report It
Reply:It shouldn%26#039;t be legalized, but, instead, decriminalized. Possession should only be a $50 ticket, but getting caught selling should still be harshly penalized. That%26#039;s what they do in the Netherlands. Report It
Reply:The verse from Ezekiel the word %26quot;hunger%26quot; could be taken literally or it could mean spiritually. A spiritual hunger. I never heard of anyone beating their wife and kids because they were smoked up.
I never heard of anybody dieing from marijuana related illnesses. I never heard of anyone that od-ed from pot. The only reason it%26#039;s not legal is because the government hasn%26#039;t figured out a good way to keep people from growing their own and you could be right. The government wouldn%26#039;t frown on tax-free money too.
Reply:Yes, legalize. But no to writting books about it.
Reply:Pot should only be legal if it%26#039;s only perscribed from you doctor when needed.
Reply:only in pill form to relieve pain
Reply:Yes it should be legal,as soon as these old dinosaur politicians die off, it will be.
I believe it should be legal, for the many medical reasons it can help, and personal use, just as anyone who chooses to drink can go to a bar and get sloppy. Thank YOU for your extended amount of detailed history on all its great accomplishments.
Reply:I live it a bad part of my city i seen alot car wrecks because these people are smoking ad high and are slowed down!!! i think it has more of Bad affect than good!!!
Reply:Gee...when we see something like this --- %26quot;Do you think marijuana should be legal ? read the history before you ansewer plz, i know its long but its goo?%26quot; I believe you may have answered your own question.
Looks like you toked up before you tried to type something coherent with proper spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure. You tried...but, it didn%26#039;t work because you were probably under the influence.
No, marijuana should not be legal because your question is probably the best argument to keep it illegal.
commericial loan
(i know it’s long but its good information)
The Marijuana Conspiracy
by Doug Yurchey
And I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land.
— Ezekiel 34/29
The real reason Cannabis has been outlawed has nothing to do with its effects on the mind and body.
MARIJUANA is DANGEROUS. Pot is NOT harmful to the human body or mind. Marijuana does NOT pose a threat to the general public. Marijuana is very much a danger to the oil companies, alcohol, tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations. Various big businesses, with plenty of dollars and influence, have suppressed the truth from the people.
The truth is if marijuana was utilized for its vast array of commercial products, it would create an industrial atomic bomb! Entrepreneurs have not been educated on the product potential of pot. The super rich have conspired to spread misinformation about an extremely versatile plant that, if used properly, would ruin their companies.
Where did the word %26#039;marijuana%26#039; come from? In the mid 1930s, the M-word was created to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp you will read. The facts cited here, with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:
* All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s; Hemp Paper Reconsidered, Jack Frazier, 1974.
* It was LEGAL TO PAY TAXES WITH HEMP in America from 1631 until the early 1800s; LA Times, Aug. 12, 1981.
* REFUSING TO GROW HEMP in America during the 17th and 18th Centuries WAS AGAINST THE LAW! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769; Hemp in Colonial Virginia, G. M. Herdon.
* George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers GREW HEMP; Washington and Jefferson Diaries. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.
* Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England; Emperor Wears No Clothes, Jack Herer.
* For thousands of years, 90f all ships%26#039; sails and rope were made from hemp. The word %26#039;canvas%26#039; is Dutch for cannabis; Webster’s New World Dictionary.
* 80f all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc. were made from hemp until the 1820s with the introduction of the cotton gin.
* The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp; U.S. Government Archives.
* The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century; State Archives.
* Oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.
* Rembrants, Gainsboroughs, Van Goghs as well as most early canvas paintings were principally painted on hemp linen.
* In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs; Department of Agriculture
* Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937. 58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935; Sherman Williams Paint Co. testimony before Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act.
* Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the CAR ITSELF WAS CONTRUCTED FROM HEMP! On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, %26#039;grown from the soil,%26#039; had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941.
* Hemp called %26#039;Billion Dollar Crop.%26#039; It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars; Popular Mechanics, Feb., 1938.
* Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled %26#039;The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.%26#039; It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture’s 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing %26#039;patriotic American farmers%26#039; to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:
%26#039;...(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable...
...Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese...American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries...
...the Navy’s rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!%26#039;
Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film %26#039;Hemp for Victory%26#039; did not exist.
Hemp cultivation and production do not harm the environment. The USDA Bulletin ..404 concluded that hemp produces 4 times as much pulp with at least 4 to 7 times less pollution. From Popular Mechanics, Feb. 1938:
%26#039;It has a short growing season...It can be grown in any state...The long roots penetrate and break the soil to leave it in perfect condition for the next year’s crop. The dense shock of leaves, 8 to 12 feet above the ground, chokes out weeds.
...hemp, this new crop can add immeasurably to American agriculture and industry.%26#039;
In the 1930s, innovations in farm machinery would have caused an industrial revolution when applied to hemp. This single resource could have created millions of new jobs generating thousands of quality products. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the Great Depression.
William Randolph Hearst (Citizen Kane) and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing Division of Kimberly Clark owned vast acreage of timberlands. The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Patty Hearst’s grandfather, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.
In 1937, Dupont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal. Dupont’s Annual Report urged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division. Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil. Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80f Dupont’s business.
Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and Dupont’s primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons. Hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion dollar enterprises. For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to go. These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: %26#039;marihuana%26#039; and pushed it into the consciousness of America.
A media blitz of %26#039;yellow journalism%26#039; raged in the late 1920s and 1930s. Hearst’s newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marihuana. The menace of marihuana made headlines. Readers learned that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to loose morality.
Films like %26#039;Reefer Madness%26#039; (1936), %26#039;Marihuana: Assassin of Youth%26#039; (1935) and %26#039;Marihuana: The Devil’s Weed%26#039; (1936) were propaganda designed by these industrialists to create an enemy. Their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marihuana laws could be passed.
Examine the following quotes from %26#039;The Burning Question%26#039; aka REEFER MADNESS:
a violent narcotic.
acts of shocking violence.
incurable insanity.
soul-destroying effects.
under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an ax.
more vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marihuana!
Reefer Madness did not end with the usual %26#039;the end.%26#039; The film concluded with these words plastered on the screen: TELL YOUR CHILDREN.
In the 1930s, people were very naive; even to the point of ignorance. The masses were like sheep waiting to be led by the few in power. They did not challenge authority. If the news was in print or on the radio, they believed it had to be true. They told their children and their children grew up to be the parents of the baby-boomers.
On April 14, 1937, the Prohibitive Marihuana Tax Law or the bill that outlawed hemp was directly brought to the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee is the only one that can introduce a bill to the House floor without it being debated by other committees. The Chairman of the Ways and Means, Robert Doughton, was a Dupont supporter. He insured that the bill would pass Congress.
Dr. James Woodward, a physician and attorney, testified too late on behalf of the American Medical Association. He told the committee that the reason the AMA had not denounced the Marihuana Tax Law sooner was that the Association had just discovered that marihuana was hemp.
Few people, at the time, realized that the deadly menace they had been reading about on Hearst’s front pages was in fact passive hemp. The AMA understood cannabis to be a MEDICINE found in numerous healing products sold over the last hundred years.
In September of 1937, hemp became illegal. The most useful crop known became a drug and our planet has been suffering ever since.
Congress banned hemp because it was said to be the most violence-causing drug known. Anslinger, head of the Drug Commission for 31 years, promoted the idea that marihuana made users act extremely violent. In the 1950s, under the Communist threat of McCarthyism, Anslinger now said the exact opposite. Marijuana will pacify you so much that soldiers would not want to fight.
Today, our planet is in desperate trouble. Earth is suffocating as large tracts of rain forests disappear. Pollution, poisons and chemicals are killing people. These great problems could be reversed if we industrialized hemp. Natural biomass could provide all of the planet’s energy needs that are currently supplied by fossil fuels. We have consumed 80f our oil and gas reserves. We need a renewable resource. Hemp could be the solution to soaring gas prices.
Hemp has a higher quality fiber than wood fiber. Far fewer caustic chemicals are required to make paper from hemp than from trees. Hemp paper does not turn yellow and is very durable. The plant grows quickly to maturity in a season where trees take a lifetime.
ALL PLASTIC PRODUCTS SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP SEED OIL. Hempen plastics are biodegradable! Over time, they would break down and not harm the environment. Oil-based plastics, the ones we are very familiar with, help ruin nature; they do not break down and will do great harm in the future. The process to produce the vast array of natural (hempen) plastics will not ruin the rivers as Dupont and other petrochemical companies have done. Ecology does not fit in with the plans of the Oil Industry and the political machine. Hemp products are safe and natural.
MEDICINES SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP. We should go back to the days when the AMA supported cannabis cures. %26#039;Medical Marijuana%26#039; is given out legally to only a handful of people while the rest of us are forced into a system that relies on chemicals. Pot is only healthy for the human body.
WORLD HUNGER COULD END. A large variety of food products can be generated from hemp. The seeds contain one of the highest sources of protein in nature. ALSO: They have two essential fatty acids that clean your body of cholesterol. These essential fatty acids are not found anywhere else in nature! Consuming pot seeds is the best thing you could do for your body. Eat uncooked hemp seeds.
CLOTHES SHOULD BE MADE FROM HEMP. Hemp clothing is extremely strong and durable over time. You could hand clothing, made from pot, down to your grandchildren. Today, there are American companies that make hemp clothing; usually 50emp. Hemp fabrics should be everywhere. Instead, they are almost underground. Superior hemp products are not allowed to advertise on fascist television. Kentucky, once the top hemp producing state, made it ILLEGAL TO WEAR hemp clothing! Can you imagine being thrown into jail for wearing quality jeans?
The world is crazy...but that does not mean you have to join the insanity. Get together. Spread the news. Tell people, and that includes your children, the truth. Use hemp products. Eliminate the word %26#039;marijuana.%26#039; Realize the history that created it. Make it politically incorrect to say or print the M-word. Fight against the propaganda (designed to favor the agenda of the super rich) and the bullshit. Hemp must be utilized in the future. We need a clean energy source to save our planet. INDUSTRIALIZE HEMP!
The liquor, tobacco and oil companies fund more than a million dollars a day to Partnership for a Drug-Free America and other similar agencies. We have all seen their commercials. Now, their motto is: It’s more dangerous than we thought. Lies from the powerful corporations, that began with Hearst, are still alive and well today.
The brainwashing continues. Now, the commercials say: If you buy a joint, you contribute to murders and gang wars. The latest anti-pot commercials say: If you buy a are promoting TERRORISM! The new enemy (terrorism) has paved the road to brainwash you any way THEY see fit.
There is only one enemy; the friendly people you pay your taxes to; the war-makers and nature destroyers. With your funding, they are killing the world right in front of your eyes. HALF A MILLION DEATHS EACH YEAR ARE CAUSED BY TOBACCO. HALF A MILLION DEATHS EACH YEAR ARE CAUSED BY ALCOHOL. NO ONE HAS EVER, EVER DIED FROM SMOKING POT!! In the entire history of the human race, not one death can be attributed to cannabis. Our society has outlawed grass but condones the use of the KILLERS: TOBACCO and ALCOHOL. Hemp should be declassified and placed in DRUG stores to relieve stress. Hardening and constriction of the arteries are bad; but hemp usage actually enlarges the arteries...which is a healthy condition. We have been so conditioned to think that: Smoking is harmful. That is NOT the case for passive pot.
Ingesting THC, hemp’s active agent, has a positive effect; relieving asthma and glaucoma. A joint tends to alleviate the nausea caused by chemotherapy. You are able to eat on hemp. This is a healthy state of being.
The stereotype for a pothead is similar to a drunk, bubble-brain. Yet, the truth is ones creative abilities can be enhanced under its influence. The perception of time slightly slows and one can become more sensitive. You can more appreciate all arts; be closer to nature and generally FEEL more under the influence of cannabis. It is, in fact, the exact opposite state of mind and body as the drunken state. You can be more aware with pot.
The pot plant is an ALIEN plant. There is physical evidence that cannabis is not like any other plant on this planet. One could conclude that it was brought here for the benefit of humanity. Hemp is the ONLY plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically! No one ever speaks of males and females in regard to the plant kingdom because plants do not show their sexes; except for cannabis. To determine what sex a certain, normal, Earthly plant is: You have to look internally, at its DNA. A male blade of grass (physically) looks exactly like a female blade of grass. The hemp plant has an intense sexuallity. Growers know to kill the males before they fertilize the females. Yes, folks...the most potent pot comes from %26#039;horny females.%26#039;
The reason this amazing, very sophisticated, ET plant from the future is illegal has nothing to do with how it physically affects us..
Do you think marijuana should be legal ? read the history before you ansewer plz, i know its long but its goo?
Yes it should be legalised. That is my personal opinion. I enjoy cannabis daily and have done for 15 years. There are many arguaments for and against but ultimately i don%26#039;t think the fact that it is illegal has much effect on most people. Some say it is a gateway drug and leads on to harder drugs, well if that is true the main reason is because alot of people have to go to a drug dealer to buy it, therefore coming in to contact with other drugs and being put in a position where they will be offered something else. Personally i think alcohol is a far more dangerous and damaging drug than cannabis. Alcohol puts enormous strain on the police and nhs services, costs the country untold amounts of money, before you even consider the price the families of alcoholics have to pay. Alcohol impairs judgement and in general makes people more aggressive and violent, Cannabis on the other hand has the opposite effect, making people more calm and relaxed. I too have seen Reefer Madness and cannot believe that people were supposed to believe that rubbish, it makes you wonder how many other lies people swallow under the banner of %26#039;information%26#039;. Anyone who has smoked cannabis or knows anyone that has will easily be able to see that this film is far from the truth, and is laughable. The trouble is most people do believe what they are told because they are too lazy to find out about things for themselves.
I think it is a crying shame that the world is denied all the positive things that could come from this plant because of money and control.
Reply:Oh my gracious this is how far the brainwashing has gone.
Folks, it%26#039;s time we stopped messing around - smoking, ANY kind of smoking, is BAD for your health. Pot is no exception, and no better a substitution for tobacco than any drug. Report It
Reply:You%26#039;ve seen the pictures, heard the lectures in school (hopefully). Smoking kills, its smoke contains carcinogenic elements, it causes deterioration of mental facilities. Sure, you might not die from a pot overdose, but you can bet on your health taking a dive. Report It
Reply:Pot might have therapeutic, medicinal uses, but that alone doesn%26#039;t sanction its legalization. Medicine is good...under the right circumstances. Cancer patients aside, I sure as heck don%26#039;t see anybody begging for radiation treatments. Why pot then? Report It
Reply:Simple. %26#039;Cause we ENJOY it. Alcohol and tobacco have progressed as a commercial industry beyond the point of recall. Report It
Reply:If it weren%26#039;t for the impossibility of a total prohibition on both in the near future, not to mention the profits turned by such companies, you can bet that both would be made illegal in a second. That%26#039;s why pointing the two are invalid comparisons with pot. Report It
Reply:Every year, perhaps billions of dollars are being thrown away to keep smokers and sufferers of secondhand smoke in hospitals. OTHER PEOPLE SHOULDN%26#039;T HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR DECISIONS. Report It
Reply:Don%26#039;t smoke pot; heck, don%26#039;t smoke anything. What%26#039;s wrong with a drug-free life, anyway? Nothing.
Einstein didn%26#039;t smoke pot, y%26#039;know. Neither did Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Thomas Hardy, and a score of other equally talented writers or artists. Report It
Reply:I think that takes care of your creativity problem. Report It
Reply:By the way, the long, long %26quot;history of marijuana%26quot; by the asker? Have you noticed that its best points as an argument defends HEMP, not pot as a drug? Believe me; I%26#039;ve got no problem with hemp. Just pot. MARIJUANA. Report It
Reply:I do not believe that the medical community should be using marijuana to treat patients legally. Report It
Reply:it should only be legalized to manufacturers to create products or so forth. But legalizing it to people in general, NO! plus why smoke? smoking is still bad for you. And yes marijuana does have some bad site effects as well, just cant be talking about the positives only. Report It
Reply:It shouldn%26#039;t be legalized, but, instead, decriminalized. Possession should only be a $50 ticket, but getting caught selling should still be harshly penalized. That%26#039;s what they do in the Netherlands. Report It
Reply:The verse from Ezekiel the word %26quot;hunger%26quot; could be taken literally or it could mean spiritually. A spiritual hunger. I never heard of anyone beating their wife and kids because they were smoked up.
I never heard of anybody dieing from marijuana related illnesses. I never heard of anyone that od-ed from pot. The only reason it%26#039;s not legal is because the government hasn%26#039;t figured out a good way to keep people from growing their own and you could be right. The government wouldn%26#039;t frown on tax-free money too.
Reply:Yes, legalize. But no to writting books about it.
Reply:Pot should only be legal if it%26#039;s only perscribed from you doctor when needed.
Reply:only in pill form to relieve pain
Reply:Yes it should be legal,as soon as these old dinosaur politicians die off, it will be.
I believe it should be legal, for the many medical reasons it can help, and personal use, just as anyone who chooses to drink can go to a bar and get sloppy. Thank YOU for your extended amount of detailed history on all its great accomplishments.
Reply:I live it a bad part of my city i seen alot car wrecks because these people are smoking ad high and are slowed down!!! i think it has more of Bad affect than good!!!
Reply:Gee...when we see something like this --- %26quot;Do you think marijuana should be legal ? read the history before you ansewer plz, i know its long but its goo?%26quot; I believe you may have answered your own question.
Looks like you toked up before you tried to type something coherent with proper spelling, capitalization, and sentence structure. You tried...but, it didn%26#039;t work because you were probably under the influence.
No, marijuana should not be legal because your question is probably the best argument to keep it illegal.
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